calculation grouped by chart series

  • I have a chart with a Series with 2 values, "Billing" and "Labor". I want to take the value of "Labor" / "Billing" to get the percentage and display it in the "Labor" Point Label. So in the example attach for Jan, I want to take 125,840 / 677,018. I tried the following expression but it displays "Infinity" in the Point Label.

    =sum(iif(Fields!Type.Value = "Labor", Fields!Amount.Value, 0))

    / sum(iif(Fields!Type.Value = "Billing", Fields!Amount.Value, 0))

    Then i tried this but all it displayed was the same amounts in the "Labor" Point Label as in the attach chart. However, it displays zeros in the "Billing" Point Labels. Any ideas?

    =iif(Fields!Type.Value = "Labor", Fields!Amount.Value, 0)

    / iif(Fields!Type.Value = "Billing", Fields!Amount.Value, 0)

  • help please???

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