Calculating Sharpe's Ratio, Standard Deviation, and Sorentino's Ratio

  • Hello,

    I am using sql to manage data, and it would be very helpful if anyone is familiar with an efficient way to calculate Sharpes Ratio, as well as other summary statistics such as standard deviation, and Sorentino's Ratio for a large data set.

    Thanks very much; all input welcome as I am an inexperienced programmer.

  • Something like this?

    CREATE TABLE #temp(subject_id int identity(1,1), measurement numeric(8,2))

    INSERT INTO #temp (measurement)

    SELECT 5.0


    SELECT 6.2


    SELECT 4.6

    DECLARE @mean numeric(8,2)

    DECLARE @ss numeric(8,2)

    DECLARE @n numeric(8,2)

    DECLARE @stdDev numeric(8,2)

    SET @n = (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM #temp);

    SET @mean = (SELECT SUM(measurement) FROM #temp) / @n;

    SET @ss = (SELECT SUM(POWER(measurement - @mean,2)) FROM #temp)

    SET @stdDev = SQRT(@ss / (@n - 1.0))

    SELECT @mean

    SELECT @ss

    SELECT @n

    SELECT @stdDev

    CE - Microsoft

  • looks great! thanks very much for your help. Ill work with this and let you know.

    Take care,


  • Thank you for this code, I have been trying to find sql solutions for stock analysis.

    i have been tinkering around with the example and I wanted to say thank you for posting it..

    one question.. how would i correctly replace the union select statements to grab a list of closing prices from my database instead of the hard coded numbers in the example

    My table is called STKHIST and the Closing price is labeled ClosePr and date is labeled CloseDate.

    Here is what I have so for.. any help would be greatly appreciated!


    -- spsharpcalcA nflx

    ALTER PROC [dbo].[spsharpcalcA]

    @symbol varchar(10)


    CREATE TABLE #temp(subject_id int identity(1,1),closedate date, ClosePr numeric(8,2),Symbol varchar(5))

    INSERT INTO #temp (closedate,ClosePr,symbol)

    SELECT a.closedate,a.closepr,a.symbol from STKHIST a where a.Symbol=@symbol


    --SELECT b.closedate,b.closepr,b.symbol from STKHIST b where b.Symbol=@symbol

    DECLARE @mean numeric(8,2)

    DECLARE @ss numeric(8,2)

    DECLARE @n numeric(8,2)

    DECLARE @stdDev numeric(8,2)

    SET @n = 252 --(SELECT COUNT(1) FROM #temp);

    SET @mean = (SELECT SUM(ClosePr) FROM #temp) / @n;

    SET @ss = (SELECT SUM(POWER(ClosePr - @mean,2)) FROM #temp)

    SET @stdDev = SQRT(@ss / (@n - 1.0))

    SELECT @mean as mean

    , @ss as ss

    , @n as n

    ,@stdDev as stddev

    --drop table

    select * from dbo.#temp


    Regards, and thank you!

    Bill Ford

  • Another way without variables.



    ss = SUM(POWER(measurement - mean,2)),


    stdDev = SQRT(SUM(POWER(measurement - mean,2)) / (n - 1.0))

    FROM #temp



    SELECT mean = SUM(measurement) / COUNT(*), n = COUNT(*)

    FROM #temp

    ) prep

    GROUP BY mean, n;

    Using variables it will perform much better you could get even better performance turning the logic above into an indexed view. Just a thought.

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

  • Alan,

    Thank you very much!

    I am looking at/absorbing this now.

    Thanks again


  • I'm a bit confused at what Alan did there, because #temp simply holds the raw data, it is not calculated... Anyway, my UNION ALL was just to build a table with data in it, You already have that. Therefore, to do calculations you would just do it from your parent table. I have, for example, created a temp table to simulate your actual table.



    Subject_ID INT IDENTITY(1, 1) ,

    closedate DATE ,

    ClosePr NUMERIC(8, 2) ,

    Symbol VARCHAR(5)



    ( closedate ,

    ClosePr ,



    SELECT '2016-05-12' ,

    90.34 ,



    SELECT '2016-05-13' ,

    90.52 ,



    SELECT '2016-05-16' ,

    93.88 ,



    SELECT '2016-05-12' ,

    51.51 ,



    SELECT '2016-05-13' ,

    51.08 ,



    SELECT '2016-05-16' ,

    51.83 ,



    WITH cte

    AS ( SELECT Symbol ,

    COUNT(1) AS nClosePr ,

    SUM(ClosePr) AS sumClosePr ,

    AVG(ClosePr) AS meanClosePr


    GROUP BY Symbol


    SELECT cte.Symbol ,

    cte.nClosePr ,

    cte.sumClosePr ,

    cte.meanClosePr ,

    SUM(POWER(STKHIST.ClosePr - cte.meanClosePr, 2)) AS ssClosePr ,

    SQRT(SUM(POWER(STKHIST.ClosePr - cte.meanClosePr, 2))

    / MAX(( cte.nClosePr - 1.0 ))) AS stdevClosePr

    FROM cte


    GROUP BY cte.Symbol ,

    cte.nClosePr ,

    cte.sumClosePr ,


    CE - Microsoft

  • Are we all aware that SQL Server includes the STDEV and VAR functions?

    Other than the nulls being ignored, it should be easier to use.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Luis Cazares (5/17/2016)

    Are we all aware that SQL Server includes the STDEV and VAR functions?

    Other than the nulls being ignored, it should be easier to use.

    1. I was not, its been awhile since I've had to do any statistics or BI work. 2. Isn't this so much more fun?! 🙂

    CE - Microsoft

  • SQLKnowItAll (5/17/2016)

    Luis Cazares (5/17/2016)

    Are we all aware that SQL Server includes the STDEV and VAR functions?

    Other than the nulls being ignored, it should be easier to use.

    1. I was not, its been awhile since I've had to do any statistics or BI work. 2. Isn't this so much more fun?! 🙂

    It's fun to write it, but not to review it months later. 😀

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Luis Cazares (5/17/2016)

    Are we all aware that SQL Server includes the STDEV and VAR functions?

    Other than the nulls being ignored, it should be easier to use.

    I know about them but have not played around with them but need to start.

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

  • jared,

    Thank you.. this makes sense..

    Thanks for taking the time to help!!



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