Calculating Percentages

  • Hi All, please i have this sql:

    SELECT SUM(t .Amount) AS TotalAmount, b.Description AS Brand, 'TV Total' AS Medium

    FROM dbo.tbl_Television AS t INNER JOIN

    dbo.tbl_Brand AS b ON t .FK_ProductId = b.FK_ProductId AND t .FK_BrandId = b.BrandId

    WHERE (t .FK_ProductId = @ProductId) AND (t .AdDate BETWEEN @BeginDate AND @EndDate)

    GROUP BY b.Description

    ORDER BY Brand

    That gives me this result:

    Insert into #mytable(TotalAmount, Brand, Medium)

    SELECT '62266962', 'ETISALAT(EMTS)', 'TV Total' UNION ALL

    SELECT '33127444', 'GLOBACOM', 'TV Total' UNION ALL

    SELECT '149755493', 'MTN', ' TV Total' UNION ALL

    SELECT '78444', 'VISAFONE', 'TV Total' UNION ALL

    SELECT '18456497', 'ZAIN', 'TV Total' UNION ALL

    SELECT '194632', 'ZOOM MOBILE', 'TV Total' UNION ALL

    what if i want a result that will display the percentages, such the percentage of each individual TotalAmount from the Sum(TotalAmount) e.g like this:

    Insert into #mytable(TotalAmount, Brand, Medium, Percentages)

    SELECT '62266962', 'ETISALAT(EMTS)', 'TV Total', 7% UNION ALL

    SELECT '33127444', 'GLOBACOM', 'TV Total', 18% UNION ALL

    SELECT '149755493', 'MTN', ' TV Total', '21%' UNION ALL

    SELECT '78444', 'VISAFONE', 'TV Total', '12%' UNION ALL

    SELECT '18456497', 'ZAIN', 'TV Total', '8%' UNION ALL

    SELECT '194632', 'ZOOM MOBILE', 'TV Total', '13%' UNION ALL

    something of this nature may be from a formula (TotalAmount/Sum(TotalAmount)) * 100

    Thanks for your help, its a bit difficult for me to write.


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  • Hi Stewartc, thanks so much it worked. I appreciate.

    I want to try some more experiment, i let u know if that works, then i want to ask, how do i do it in ssrc, that u suggested.



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  • Hi Stewartc, thanks for your reply, my internet connection is misbehaving, but i'll get back to you later.



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