Calculate balance for activity report

  • I need to make activity report like below:

    CUSTOMER : mr. X

      description  amount Balance

    31 jan 2006 beggining balance  100

    05 feb 2006 sales   200 300

    08 feb 2006 sales again  500 800

    12 feb 2006 next sales   100 900

    15 feb 2006 another sales  600    1500

    i have table for retrieve beggining balance like below:

    customer beg balance

    mr. x  100

    mr. yy  250

    so on....

    and table transaction...

    customer date  description  amount

    mr. x 05 feb 2006 sales   200

    mr. x 08 feb 2006 sales again  500

    mr. x 12 feb 2006 next sales   100

    mr. x 15 feb 2006 another sales  600 

    mr. yy 05 mar 2006 2 piece   200

    mr. yy 08 apr 2006 just one piece  500

    so on....


    please give some advice, how do i calculate balance with t-sql for activity report

    Thank's dan Best Regards,

    Sandi Antono


  • Here's one way, using pure SQL. I've had to guess at your table structures and some other things.




    sp.StartDate Date


    cast('Opening Balance' as varchar(1000)) Description




    cob.Amount Balance


    CustOpeningBal cob


    SalesPeriod sp


    cob.SalesPeriodID = sp.SalesPeriodID


    Customer c


    cob.CustID = c.CustID


    sp.StartDate = '2006-01-31 00:00:00'




    c.FullName, t.Date, t.Description, t.Amount, sum(t2.amount)+cob.amount


    Transactions t


    Customer c

    on t.CustID = c.CustID


    CustOpeningBal cob on cob.CustID = t.CustID


    SalesPeriod sp on cob.SalesPeriodID = sp.SalesPeriodID

    --use date matching if the sales period is not recorded for each transaction:

    and t.Date >= sp.StartDate

    and t.Date < sp.EndDate --assuming you have a denormalised end date


    join Transactions t2 on t2.CustID = t.CustID

    and t2.Date >= sp.StartDate
    and t2.Date <= t.Date
    and t2.TransactionSerialNo <= t1.TransactionSerialNo
    --don't know what fields you have available to order the transactions by time...


    sp.StartDate = '2006-01-31 00:00:00'

    --? and t.StartDate < select floor(cast(getdate() as float))
    -- --(only show trans up to end of yesterday)


    by c.FullName, t.Date, t.Description, t.Amount


    by FullName, case Description when 'Opening Balance' then 0 else 1 end, Date

    If you could supply more info about your tables, it would help.

    Tim Wilkinson

    "If it doesn't work in practice, you're using the wrong theory"
    - Immanuel Kant

  • This will work but I don't know how it will perform with a large number of rows in the transaction table.

    DECLARE @begbal TABLE (customer varchar(20), balance int, baldate datetime)

    insert @begbal VALUES ('mr. x',  100, '31 Jan 2006')

    insert @begbal Values('mr. yy',  250, '31 Jan 2006')

    DECLARE @transaction TABLE (customer varchar(20), trandate datetime, description varchar(20), amount int)

    INSERT @transaction values('mr. x', '05 feb 2006', 'sales',   200)

    INSERT @transaction values('mr. x', '08 feb 2006', 'sales again',  500)

    INSERT @transaction values('mr. x', '12 feb 2006', 'next sales',   100)

    INSERT @transaction values('mr. x', '15 feb 2006', 'another sales',  600)

    INSERT @transaction values('mr. yy', '05 mar 2006', '2 piece',   200)

    INSERT @transaction values('mr. yy', '08 apr 2006', 'just one piece',  500)

    SELECT b.baldate, 'Beginning balance', null, balance

    FROM @begbal b

    WHERE b.customer = 'mr. x'


    SELECT t.trandate, t.description, t.amount, b.balance + x.runningbal

    FROM @begbal b

    inner join @transaction t

    on b.customer = t.customer

    INNER JOIN (select a.customer, a.trandate, sum(b.amount) runningbal

                FROM @transaction a

                INNER JOIN @transaction b

                on b.trandate <= a.trandate

                GROUP BY a.customer, a.trandate) x

    ON t.customer = x.customer AND t.trandate = x.trandate

    WHERE b.customer = 'mr. x'

    ORDER BY 1


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