Bulk Update From List

  • I would like to update the EmailAddress column of a database table with emails from a list . So basically I have two lists, Emails and Username lists. I want to check each value of the UserName column against the Username  list.

    Then I would like to update the EmailAddress column with the email from the Email list whose position in the Email list is the same as the username position in the Username list.

    I want to do something like the script below where e1, e2, e3, etc., are emails from the Email list and value1, value2, value3, etc., are usernames from the Username list.

    Update Table
    Set EmailAddress = (e1, e2, e3, ...)
    Where UserName In (value1, value2, value3, ....)

    Is it possible to do what I have mentioned above?

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by  SQLUSERMAN. Reason: Make it easier to understand
  • Something like (make a backup of the table or wrap the update in a transaction so you can roll it back...)

    UPDATE EmployeeTable

    SET EMailAddress = otherTable.EMail

    WHERE EmployeeTable.FieldX = OtherTable.FieldY

    Basically, you do the join in the WHERE clause.


    UPDATE EmployeeTable

    SET EMailAddress = otherTable.EMail

    WHERE EmployeeTable.FieldX = OtherTable.FieldY

    DO THIS INSTEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    SET E.EmailAddress = S.Email

    FROM EmployeeTable E

    JOIN OtherTable S

    ON E.FieldX = S.FieldY

    (credit to some poster called Jeff Moden and apologies if I got it wrong)


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by  x. Reason: misspelled column name, changed "best pal" to "arch nemisis"
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by  x. Reason: changed "arch nemisis" to "some poster called"
  • If I am understanding correctly, you want to match by position - the values in your username list with values in the email list.

    Email List: (a1@email.com, a2@email.com, a3@email.com)

    User List: (User1, User2, User3)

    The end result would be equivalent to:

    UPDATE table SET EmailAddress = 'a1@email.com' WHERE Username = 'User1'

    UPDATE table SET EmailAddress = 'a2@email.com' WHERE Username = 'User2'

    UPDATE table SET EmailAddress = 'a3@email.com' WHERE Username = 'User3'

    If that is the case - then you would use a string split utility (search this site for DelimitedSplit8K_Lead).  Something like this:

    Declare @emailList varchar(1000) = 'a1@email.com,a2@email.com,a3@email.com'

    , @userList varchar(1000) = 'User1,User2,User3';

    With emailUsers

    As (

    Select Username = u.Item

    , EmailAddress = em.Item

    From dbo.DelimitedSplit8K(@userList, ',') u

    Cross Apply dbo.DelimitedSplit8K(@emailList, ',') em

    Where u.ItemNumber = em.ItemNumber


    Update t

    Set EmailAddress = eu.EmailAddress

    From yourTable t

    Inner Join emailUsers eu On eu.Username = t.UserName;


    Jeffrey Williams
    Problems are opportunities brilliantly disguised as insurmountable obstacles.

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