Building Masters In .Net Application - Lightning Fast !!!

  • Dear All,

    We are currently in the process of migrating our VB6 application to .net and we are looking for the best possible solution in case if any of it is available.

    It will be great on you all if you can suggest some great solution wherein I can just give the structure of the fields, the datatype of the field whether its a part of Primary or unique etc. so that next time i only need to add a form and drop a grid on the form and rest is taken care byy the structure and some of the associated codes for Insert, Delete and update statements as well. Also the structure should have the option to populate entries for Combo box in case any or some or all of the fields need to show a drop down for data entry.

    We have quite a good number of masters and looking forward to this solution so that the development time of the masters can be reduced a lot.

    Looking forward to your valuable suggestions.

    In case you need some more clarification please let us know.

  • You might want to have a look at LINQ or one of the many or C# application builders.

  • Are you looking to migrate just an application? Or is a database migration also a part of the project?

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • Hi,

    Its a application migration only. The database has already been migrated to SQL Server 2005.

    We are only attempting to migrate the application wherein under the current configuration the structure of the masters field is in a DLL and another DLL access and builds the query string for Insert, Update and Delete Infomation from the details about the field supplied.

    Since it lies under the DLL we have to deploy DLL's in every machine which we want to change by a better approach while migrating the application to .Net.

    Thanks a lot !!!

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