Building a mining model through Microsoft Clustering algrorithms

  • Hello fellows,

    I am trying to build a data mining project using Micrsoft Clustering.

    My goal is to predict what products are going to be bought by current customers based on previous orders made by similar customers.

    I have the following tables:

    tb_Customers and tb_products dimensions tables.

    tb_Customers_Orders a fact table that contains the orders made by customers along with the bought products.

    The goal of my project is to predict what products are similar customers going to buy based on current existing orders data.

    i.e based on input from customer dimension, i.e income level, date of birth, gender.. what products are probably going to bought by customers falling into the same cluster.

    I need to start by preparing the mining data, however I don't know how to prepare it and how to construct my prediction column.

    Grateful if you provide me with the broad steps needed to acheive my goal.

    Many thanks in advance

  • Have you done a run-through of the samples? This would seem the logical place to start.


  • Thanks Steve, they were really useful and provided me with what I needed.

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