
  • Hi,

    Blocking on my production server

    select * from sysprocesses where blocked<>0

    sp id blcoking '544'

    24162085440x0004102375LCK_M_U KEY: 9:72057594051690496 (68001e36f7e1)

    25947965440x0004116046LCK_M_U KEY: 9:72057594051690496 (6400a68921ab)

    45262605440x0004112812LCK_M_U KEY: 9:72057594051690496 (6a0095fefe4b)

    45463685670x0004980765LCK_M_U KEY: 9:72057594054115328 (3400fea190fd)

    67465045440x000496375LCK_M_U KEY: 9:72057594051690496 (6c0049a1956e)

    68558485440x0004116046LCK_M_U KEY: 9:72057594051690496 (6e00c2699cc4)

    dbcc inputbuffer(544)

    How to reslove this ? in this session -544 UPDATE operation is running I need wait or KILL the session ???


  • Do you know what it's doing? Do you know what effects killing it will have on the business applications?

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Update is going on this session, I'm new to sql dba

    5-6 blocking sessions are they that’s why i ask to you ? Can i kill

    Plz give me explanation

  • Do you know what those operations are doing? Do you know what effects killing those connections will have on the applications that use the database?

    If you don't and you kill the connections, you're taking a risk and hoping that it's not going to mess things up (maybe that's your salary being processed there, you don't know)

    If you don't know, find out. See what the blocking session is running, see where the connection was made from, who's running it. Ask someone who knows if it's safe to cancel whatever that is.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Thanks Gila

  • rajeshn29.dba (8/10/2011)

    Thanks Gila

    This can help you have a much better understanding of what's going on (doesn't replace asking around, but helps a lot).

    This is what activity monitor runs. You can uncomment an extra join if you run this on 2k8.

    --Borrowed from the activity monitor


    [Session ID] = s.session_id,

    [User Process] = CONVERT(CHAR(1), s.is_user_process),

    [Login] = s.login_name,

    [Database] = ISNULL(db_name(p.dbid), N''),

    [Task State] = ISNULL(t.task_state, N''),

    [Command] = ISNULL(r.command, N''),

    [Application] = ISNULL(s.program_name, N''),

    [Wait Time (ms)] = ISNULL(w.wait_duration_ms, 0),

    [Wait Type] = ISNULL(w.wait_type, N''),

    [Wait Resource] = ISNULL(w.resource_description, N''),

    [Blocked By] = ISNULL(CONVERT (varchar, w.blocking_session_id), ''),

    [Head Blocker] =


    -- session has an active request, is blocked, but is blocking others or session is idle but has an open tran and is blocking others

    WHEN r2.session_id IS NOT NULL AND (r.blocking_session_id = 0 OR r.session_id IS NULL) THEN '1'

    -- session is either not blocking someone, or is blocking someone but is blocked by another party

    ELSE ''


    [Total CPU (ms)] = s.cpu_time,

    [Total Physical I/O (MB)] = (s.reads + s.writes) * 8 / 1024,

    [Memory Use (KB)] = s.memory_usage * 8192 / 1024,

    [Open Transactions] = ISNULL(r.open_transaction_count,0),

    [Login Time] = s.login_time,

    [Last Request Start Time] = s.last_request_start_time,

    [Host Name] = ISNULL(s.host_name, N''),

    [Net Address] = ISNULL(c.client_net_address, N''),

    [Execution Context ID] = ISNULL(t.exec_context_id, 0),

    [Request ID] = ISNULL(r.request_id, 0)

    -- [Workload Group] = ISNULL(, N'')

    FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions s LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.dm_exec_connections c ON (s.session_id = c.session_id)

    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.dm_exec_requests r ON (s.session_id = r.session_id)

    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.dm_os_tasks t ON (r.session_id = t.session_id AND r.request_id = t.request_id)



    -- In some cases (e.g. parallel queries, also waiting for a worker), one thread can be flagged as

    -- waiting for several different threads. This will cause that thread to show up in multiple rows

    -- in our grid, which we don't want. Use ROW_NUMBER to select the longest wait for each thread,

    -- and use it as representative of the other wait relationships this thread is involved in.

    SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY waiting_task_address ORDER BY wait_duration_ms DESC) AS row_num

    FROM sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks

    ) w ON (t.task_address = w.waiting_task_address) AND w.row_num = 1

    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.dm_exec_requests r2 ON (s.session_id = r2.blocking_session_id)

    --LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.dm_resource_governor_workload_groups g ON (g.group_id = s.group_id)--TAKE THIS dmv OUT TO WORK IN 2005

    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.sysprocesses p ON (s.session_id = p.spid)

    ORDER BY s.session_id;

  • Thanks alot

    Gila & Ninja

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