BizTalk Adpater Pack Data Provider for SAP

  • We are migrating from AS400 to SAP and need to include some of the SAP Master and Transactional data in our SQL Server 2012 data warehouse. We started down the path of using SAP standard and custom extractors to pull data from SAP into BW, then use SSIS packages to pull the data from BW to the data warehouse. This works but is slow to build and execute and there are some space concerns using this method. So we started researching other methods to pull data directly from SAP into the data warehouse. We found the BizTalk Adapter pack with the Data Provider for SAP and have installed it. It seems to work very well and performs much faster than the BW method. Have any of you used the BizTalk Adapter Pack Data Provider for SAP in SSIS packages to pull data from SAP? Can you share your thoughts on how well it worked, any problems you had, pros and cons of using this Data Provider vs. BW, etc.? We want to be sure we do our due diligence before we commit to this product.



  • Please do not crosspost. It wastes peoples time and fragments replies.

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  • My apologies. Since this is both SQL Server and Data Warehouse question I was not sure where to post so I just used both forums.


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