BIDS 2005/2008

  • Has anyone had any issues having BIDS 2005 and BIDS 2008 installed on the same workstation? We currently have a mix of SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008 systems, and I am looking at developing some processes using SSIS 2008 but just want to be sure I won't be messing up my BIDS 2005 installation on my workstation at the same time.

  • I currently have 2005 and 2008 installed on my system at the same time. I have not had any issues at all with 2005 stince installing 2008.


    If only I could snap my figures and have all the correct indexes apear and the buffer clean and.... Start day dream here.

  • I also run 2005 and 2008 on my laptop with no issues. Just don't do what one of our developers did recently and install one on top of the other instead of along side.

  • I too have SSMS\BIDS 2005 and 2008 on the same workstation and use BIDS regularly for SSRS and SSIS projects without issue!


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Lynn, you asked specifically about BIDS, but I thought I'd talk a little bit about issues with SSMS.

    If you have both 2005 and 2008 servers, do NOT use SSMS 2008 to do things like manage your 2005 maintenance plans. There are a few new properties, and 2005 just doesn't know what to do with them. On the good news side of this, opening up those plans w/ SSMS 2005 seems to correct the issue.

    And, if you have both SSMS 2005 and 2008 installed, every time there is an update for one, be prepared for issues in opening up the other one. Something seems to get hosed in the registry. It works best (for me) if you only have one installed. I use SSMS 2008, and when I do anything with Maintenance Plans, I remote in to the server and use SSMS 2005 from there. PITA, but a working solution for me. IMO, these two tools should work seamlessly side-by-side. MS has some stuff to deal with to get them to behave.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
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  • WayneS (6/26/2010)

    Lynn, you asked specifically about BIDS, but I thought I'd talk a little bit about issues with SSMS.

    If you have both 2005 and 2008 servers, do NOT use SSMS 2008 to do things like manage your 2005 maintenance plans. There are a few new properties, and 2005 just doesn't know what to do with them. On the good news side of this, opening up those plans w/ SSMS 2005 seems to correct the issue.

    And, if you have both SSMS 2005 and 2008 installed, every time there is an update for one, be prepared for issues in opening up the other one. Something seems to get hosed in the registry. It works best (for me) if you only have one installed. I use SSMS 2008, and when I do anything with Maintenance Plans, I remote in to the server and use SSMS 2005 from there. PITA, but a working solution for me. IMO, these two tools should work seamlessly side-by-side. MS has some stuff to deal with to get them to behave.

    Wayne, I don't have the same issue - and I manage multiple 2005 systems and have created multiple maintenance plans on those systems with SSMS 2008.

    However, if you do have issues - then making sure they are created with a version of SSMS 2005 that is at least the same version level or higher than the system you are creating them for will generally fix the problems.

    I think it is one of those things that you need to be aware of, but not necessarily that it is going to cause you problems. And, if it does cause problems you know how to correct them.

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  • Only issue I have run into with SSMS 2008 is that it won't connect to Integration Services. If I need to do anything with deployed packages I need to use SSMS 2005. That's why I asked if anyone had issues with BIDS.

    I appreciate the feedback. I have installed BIDS 2008 installed and will be working on an IS package to run under SQL Server 2008. Realatively simple package, converting a csv file to a csv file.

  • Jeffrey Williams-493691 (6/26/2010)

    Wayne, I don't have the same issue - and I manage multiple 2005 systems and have created multiple maintenance plans on those systems with SSMS 2008.

    My systems were working fine side-by-side, until WUS pushed a 2005 patch. Then 2008 SSMS wouldn't launch. A few weeks later, when a 2008 patch was pushed, it would work and not 2005. Investigating the issue, I found (something, somewhere, and without the exact error I probably can't find it again) dealing with this - seems one program overwrites the other in the registry some place. Since 2008 was working, and I needed this, I just uninstalled the 2005 tools (but left 2005 BIDS).

    The only thing I've noticed is the Maintenance Plan issue - it's probably on just a select few tasks, but I just play it safe and ensure I use a SSMS 2005 to do all of them.

    But as for Lynn's question, I haven't had any issues with BIDS 2005/2008 installed side-by-side. Just be careful - if you open up a 2005 package in 2008, it gets converted and can't be opened up in 2005.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

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  • i dont use maintenance plans at all, i favour T-SQL jobs!!


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Can you run BIDS 2005 and BIDS 2008 simultaneously? Run a 2005 SSIS package while you write another in 2008?



  • Okay, I have run into a small issue that I am wondering if others may have had with BIDS 2005 and BIDS 2008 installed on the same client machine and how they may have resolved the issue.

    I was modifying an SSIS 2005 package, built a deplyment utility, went to deploy it to a SQL Server 2005 server by right clicking on the manifest and selecting DEPLOY. Problem, it wanted to use SQL Server 2008 SSIS.

    Work around: Moved the files manually to the destination server, and ran the deployment locally on the server.

    Has anyone else run into this and if so what have you done? I will continue my research to see if there are any other alternatives to the one I reported above.


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