Best Practices

  • Tim -

    I'm in the process of setting up a VPC config to handle VS2008 and SS2008 (since I hear they affect the functionality in their 2005 counterparts, and I can't have that on my dev platform). Don't have an answer yet on whether it can be disabled. I'm thinking not, since SQL Server just gets "regular" T-SQL formatted requests: the LinQ stuff happens in the .NET code (so - the IIS server components would be playing middleware in the case of an ASP.NET setup).

    I'm anticipating not being "allowed" (by my management) to disable it even if it's possible. The marketing folks at MS have already polluted my CIO's mind....

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • Matt Miller (3/25/2008)

    I'm anticipating not being "allowed" (by my management) to disable it even if it's possible. The marketing folks at MS have already polluted my CIO's mind....

    Yikes! :w00t:

    I feel sorry for you... 🙂

    Tell your CIO that his bonus will start to be steadily declining over the years due to the astronomical cost involved in maintaining the LINQ code and keeping db performance at acceptable levels!!

    That might change his mind... 😛

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  • The only downside to having everything in SPs is that it would mean that developers have the ability to write SQL code. It's been my experience that, unless they are SQL developers by trade, they write pretty crappy SQL code ... they're used to writing from a procedural standpoint, not a set-based standpoint.

    I'm actually in the process of instituting a policy that I have to review and approve all SQL code that goes into the database. While it makes more work for me up gront, it dramatically cuts down the number of late night "Jeez, this thing isn't working. What do we do now?" phone calls.

    Cogiko ergo sum (I geek, therefore I am).

  • David Naples (3/25/2008)

    The only downside to having everything in SPs is that it would mean that developers have the ability to write SQL code. It's been my experience that, unless they are SQL developers by trade, they write pretty crappy SQL code ... they're used to writing from a procedural standpoint, not a set-based standpoint.

    I'm actually in the process of instituting a policy that I have to review and approve all SQL code that goes into the database. While it makes more work for me up gront, it dramatically cuts down the number of late night "Jeez, this thing isn't working. What do we do now?" phone calls.

    No argument there. Still - even if they wrote sub-standard SQL into a SP, it's at least crappy code you (the DBA) can get to. And it doesn't involve a new client rollout to fix each of their id10t mistakes in T-SQL....

    Still - nothing works like a code review and decent testing processes before it gets promoted to production... As in - using more than 10 row-tables, realistic loads, etc... No sense in playing fireman if you can avoid setting the fire altogether.

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • Matt, I couldn't agree with you more, hence the new policy. My philosophy is going to be similar to the NSA's computer security division: "We found a problem, now YOU go fix it and bring it back when you're done."

    I'm guessing after a couple of these little adventures the developers will start paying a lot more attention to how the SQL code gets written, if for no other reason than to avoid dealing with ME. I fully intend to be somewhat of a prick. 🙂

    Cogiko ergo sum (I geek, therefore I am).

  • One of the best practices blog I like is:

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