Bean Counting

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  • Only because you find it easy, it doesn't necessarily is for all...

    If you find it easy - good for you and keep it to your self. No need to brag.

    I found it deeply satisfying getting it right. Finally.

  • Ola L Martins-329921 (5/12/2014)

    Only because you find it easy, it doesn't necessarily is for all...

    If you find it easy - good for you and keep it to your self. No need to brag.

    I found it deeply satisfying getting it right. Finally.

    Don't worry about it - it tends to be the same people every day and you get used to just skipping over the "Too easy" and "+1" type of comments.

    At the moment about 75% of people have the correct answer. This classes it as a relatively easy question but it's still something that many have to think about and, like you, can feel genuinely good about getting it right.

    MCSA SQL Server 2012

  • Good question, thanks!


  • Carlo Romagnano (5/12/2014)


    Someone get it wrong!


    What is Unbelievable is I see someone get this wrong daily. :smooooth:

  • Hany Helmy (5/12/2014)

    In the question, it`s mentioned the column name is: Lastupdatetime, but in the code, it`s Lastupdatedatetime 🙂

    I will email Steve and ask him to correct that.

    Thank you for pointing it out. 😎

  • Ola L Martins-329921 (5/12/2014)

    Only because you find it easy, it doesn't necessarily is for all...

    If you find it easy - good for you and keep it to your self. No need to brag.

    I found it deeply satisfying getting it right. Finally.

    Thank you for your opinion. I do not share it at all.

    I respect everyone's posts.

    If you would like to moderate the tone of a discussion, then submit a Question of The Day and moderate that discussion.

  • I have read the post so far and like that you understood the spirit of this Monday Morning Question of The Day.

    Thank you all of responding and letting me know you appreciated and understood it.

    For those of you that did not see the last sentence in the Explanation, here it is again:

    "Hope everyone found this question simple and fun."

  • Thanks for the great start to the week! Enjoyed the question.

    [font="Verdana"]Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.[/font]
    Connect to me on LinkedIn

  • Good straightforward question.

    One minor niggle: using datetime instead of datetime2 (0 isn't a valid datetime2 value) and this is said to be in SQL Server 2012. I would hope that by now, 6 or 7 t=years after datetime2 appeared on the scene, most ocuurrences of datetime are gone, certainly don't want people to be encouraged to use datetime and a QOTD that uses it risks doing that.


  • nice question James.

  • TomThomson (5/12/2014)

    Good straightforward question.

    One minor niggle: using datetime instead of datetime2 (0 isn't a valid datetime2 value) and this is said to be in SQL Server 2012. I would hope that by now, 6 or 7 t=years after datetime2 appeared on the scene, most ocuurrences of datetime are gone, certainly don't want people to be encouraged to use datetime and a QOTD that uses it risks doing that.

    Tom thank you for pointing that out.

    I thought a lot about replacing zero with something like 1899-12-31.

    In the end it was left as 0 to make it easier to read and more about not counting NULLs and not be confused with a question about the default minimum value the SQL server would support for this column.

    I appreciate your comments about datetime2 versus datetime also.

    It would be awesome if all new application code used the new SQL datatypes.

    The unfortunate reality in my world is that I have not seen a single production application in the last 6-7 years that uses datetime2 other than Service Center. Even that only started using it recently.

    It would also be great if applications started putting dates in a date type column and times in a time type column.

    Seems everyone still wants to put both in a datetime and not even a smalldatetime.


  • Nice to start my week with an easy one. Thanks, James!

  • Ola L Martins-329921 (5/12/2014)

    Only because you find it easy, it doesn't necessarily is for all...

    If you find it easy - good for you and keep it to your self. No need to brag.

    Thanks for your kind suggestion.:-)

    However the stats i.e. 77% got it correct, put it in simple question category. Please refrain from harsh words.At this forum nobody want to hurt anyone by any means.

    To post your question use below link

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