bcp format file and import fixed width text file

  • using https://mh-nexus.de/en/hxd/ - its a must have tool for a developer that deals with multiple type of files. with it you can see if the row delim is "0d", "0A" or both (other exist but very uncommon)


    regarding inserting into another table - with the sql you supplied it is just a question of doing an insert into your desired table

    something like


    insert into final table

    select one.[Record Type]


    but not advisable - record type 2 has multiple entries and as such should be on its own table

    One other thing - I have kept the field names as they are on the file - but really you should change them so that they do not have spaces on their names neither do they require the use of [] around them - this is best practice.

  • Would this work to only have to hit run and it would import and create the table?


    if object_id('DE_IDENTIFIED.dbo.test') is not null
    drop table DE_IDENTIFIED.dbo.test

    if object_id('DE_IDENTIFIED.dbo.PROVIDER_INFO_1') is not null
    drop table DE_IDENTIFIED.dbo.PROVIDER_INFO_1

    create table DE_IDENTIFIED.dbo.test
    (record varchar(500)

    bulk insert DE_IDENTIFIED.dbo.test
    from 'C:\dident\PRV414WSW\PRV414SW.txt'
    with (ROWTERMINATOR = '0x0a')

    select rtrim(substring(record, 1,1)) AS RECORD_TYPE
    , rtrim(substring(record, 2,9)) AS PROMISE_NUMBER
    , rtrim(substring(record, 11,4)) AS LOCATION
    , convert(date, rtrim(substring(record, 15,8))) AS START_DATE
    , convert(date, rtrim(substring(record, 23,8))) AS END_DATE
    , rtrim(substring(record, 31,50)) AS PROVIDER_NAME
    , rtrim(substring(record, 81,9)) AS IRS
    , rtrim(substring(record, 90,1)) AS IRS_INDICATOR
    , rtrim(substring(record, 91,10)) AS MEDICARE_NUMBER
    , rtrim(substring(record, 101,2)) AS COUNTY_CODE
    , rtrim(substring(record, 103,60)) AS ADDRESS
    , rtrim(substring(record, 163,18)) AS CITY
    , rtrim(substring(record, 181,2)) AS STATE
    , rtrim(substring(record, 183,5)) AS ZIP
    , rtrim(substring(record, 188,4)) AS BOX_NUMBER
    , rtrim(substring(record, 192,10)) AS PHONE
    , rtrim(substring(record, 202,9)) AS DEA_NUMBER
    , rtrim(substring(record, 211,6)) AS UPIN
    , rtrim(substring(record, 217,10)) AS NPI_MAMIS
    from DE_IDENTIFIED.dbo.test
    where record like '1%'?


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by  smattiko83.

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