BCP error -Unable to open BCP host data-file



    I have created one table "T1" using filegroup "A" contains only data file "A_1.ndf" with size 100M and disaled autogrowth. This file group size reaches 100M means its 100% full. Now I am trying to archive this "T1" table data using bcp command as follows:

    bcp T1 out D:\Archive -S <Server_Name> -U <username> -P <pwd> -b 10000 -c -t |;

    it throws the below error:

    "SQLState = S1000, NativeError = 0

    Error = [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Unable to open BCP host data-file"

    While executing bcp command, does it requires some space in filegroup "A"?

    Can any body help how to resolve this?



  • Not sure since I didn't test the theory but have you made sure that the output file "D:\Archive" can be created by the SQLServer account on the local SERVER drive (remember if you run that from a client machine, the file is created on the server).  Also recommend you always give a file extension to the output file, and make sure D:\Archive is not an existing directory.



  • When I try to run "bcp" command through procedure with EXEC master..xp_cmdshell, I am getting this error, whereas if I run the “bcp” command itself in command mode (without EXEC master..xp_cmdshell), I do not get any error

    Any ideas?



  • It still goes back to the basics.  When running the BCP command from the command line are you on your workstation or the server?  the xp_cmdshell is going to run ON the server and with the permissions of the SQL Server start up account.  Just as a test reset the permissions on the directory where the output file will be written to Read/Write EVERYONE.  Also remember the the "D" drive when running BCP in command mode on your workstation refers to your workstation, and "D" drive when running xp_cmdshell refers to the server.

  • Hi,

    Thanks for the reply!

    I am doing all these testing activities on SQL Server 2005 machine only,  not from any work station.

  • Did you open the permissions on the output file location?  Just trying to eliminate the obvious first.


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