Basic SQLCMD Utilities

  • Made me put on my thinking cap. :alien:

  • Stewart "Arturius" Campbell (2/22/2013)

    These utilities were deprecated in SQL2008 and discontinued with SQL2012.

    Exactly... I was trying to identify that which had been deprecated. I know Profiler is deprecated in favor of Extended Events. readpipe/makepipe had to go hand in hand... but for me it was a toss up between odbcping and profiler.

    Wish it had said Discontinued, not Deprecated... there's a difference.

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  • Basic SQLCMD Utilities? or Basic SQL CMD Utilities? or Basic SQL CoMmanD Utilities, or Basic SQL Utilities?

    Anyway, good question!

    ;-)“Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.” ― Confucius

  • Thanks - learned something

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • Thanks for the question, but it could've been better.

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  • Agreed, the wording was a little. off. Then again, from the list, those 3 options were definitely the oldest and were introduced to diagnose problems or mirror underlying functionality MANY versions ago. So I simply reasoned that those would be the ones to fit the intent of the question rather than the exact wording. That I knew the utilities that well may mean I have been working with SQL Server for too long.

    Buy the ticket, take the ride. -- Hunter S. Thompson

  • This one made me research some command line utilities I had not used related to Named Pipes but deprecated, i.e. should not be used but is still supported != obsolete, i.e. has been removed from the product. I wish the wording of this question had been better.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • opc.three (3/12/2013)

    This one made me research some command line utilities I had not used related to Named Pipes but deprecated, i.e. should not be used but is still supported != obsolete, i.e. has been removed from the product. I wish the wording of this question had been better.


  • This question definitely needed some research, specially for me. I knew about makepipe and readpipe but had to work hard for odbcping. But got one point for my hard work so happy. 🙂

  • readpipe and makepipe utilities were deprecated long back.


  • Ahh, 2 out of 3. Isn't that worth a point ?

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