backup to diff. domain

  • hi ..i have one domain called x and there is a db over there..but i want to take a backup and it has to be stored in diff. domain Y..

    how can i do that?

  • Backup locally then move the file to the other domain. You'll need to be sure that persmissions are set properly for an automated task to accomplish this. You can use xcopy or robocopy to move the file.

  • hi..what if i dont have enough disk space on that domain?

  • Then you need some more, if you are trying to move a database to a different domain, on a different server then the server needs to have a enough space to house the database available to it.


  • san-1015392 (2/19/2010)

    hi ..i have one domain called x and there is a db over there..but i want to take a backup and it has to be stored in diff. domain Y..

    how can i do that?

    Yes this is possible if both domains are trusted domain with each other, server team should able do this in domain controllers.

    Another way is Network Team can open a port to other domain Y UNC path from Domain x.


  • You need space on the server for a backup. Remove backups do not tolerate any delay, and any network hiccup, which happen all the time, will fail the backup. File copies retry, SQL backups do not.

    Get more space, run the backup locally, then copy it across with a script. You can delete the original once you've confirmed it's copied, though I wouldn't recommend it until you had the next backup on disk.

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