Backup task failing

  • Hi, does anyone have any suggestions about the following.

    Backing up a databse using the following code

    EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_sqlmaint N'

    -S BRSPSQL13 -D Phoenix

    -BkUpDB \\BRSPSQL13\G$\SQLBackups

    -BkUpMedia DISK


    -DelBkUps 2days

    -HtmlRpt \\BRSPSQL13\G$\SQLReports\Phoenix.htm

    -DelHtmlRpt 1week'

    Is returning an error as follows

    Microsoft (R) SQLMaint Utility (Unicode), Version 7.00.839

    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995 - 1998

    Logged on to SQL Server 'BRSPSQL13' as '[Domain and user name]' (trusted)

    Starting maintenance of database 'Phoenix' on Wed Aug 06 08:41:10 2003

    [1] Database Phoenix: Database Backup...

    Destination: [\\BRSPSQL13\G$\SQLBackups\Phoenix\Phoenix_db_200308060841.BAK]

    [Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000)] Error 3013: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Backup or restore operation terminating abnormally.

    Deleting old html reports...End of maintenance for database 'Phoenix' on Wed Aug 06 09:50:40 2003

    SQLMAINT.EXE Process Exit Code: 1 (Failed)

    Server: Msg 22029, Level 16, State 1, Line 0

    sqlmaint.exe failed.

    The only references I can find to the error messages SQLMAINT.EXE Process Exit Code: 1 (Failed) and Server: Msg 22029, Level 16, State 1, Line 0 refer to transaction log backups and the master database whcih clearly makes no sense in this scenario. The backup is working fine, the file being created, but it is failing to delete the old backup files.

  • Does the SQLAgnet account user have rights to delete the files? Not sure what's happening, haven't seen this one.

    Steve Jones

  • Try to generate text report from maintenance plan properties --> reporting tab, run the job and review the text report.

  • Thanks for the help guys, it looks like using the full path "\\BRSPSQL13\G$\SQLBackups" was causing the problem, changing this to "G:\SQLBackups" allows the job to complete. I have no idea why this should be the case however.

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