Backup software recommendations

  • The company I work for has a large number of databases that are > 50 GB in size.  We have tried striping backups to reduce time, however, we simply don't have enough hours in the day to accomodate backups of all databases anymore.  In addition, because of the size of the databases, we have to backup to a network share rather than backing up locally.

    I'm in the process of trying to determine the best software to recommend and move forward with.  We are potentially considering enterprise solutions as well as SQL specific solutions.

    Thanks to anyone who can provide some recommendations!

  • We are using CommVault, seems to work relatively well.

    Kindest Regards,

    The art of doing mathematics consists in finding that special case which contains all the germs of generality.

  • Litespeed and Sonasafe are both worth investigating.

  • We have used Red-Gates SQL Backup for some time and it works great. They just release v4.0 with some new enhancements.

    With our large databases, we reduced backup time in half. Red-Gate has a compression option so we were able to reduce the size of the files that needed to be transferred over the wire to our storage area network.


  • We regard 50 Gig databases as small fry at USP, because our NewsScape database is now well over the 400 gig and rising. This application has been collecting all the major news stories on the internet since 1999. We've used the native backup, Litespeed and SQL Backup. As you can imagine, compression is absolutely essential, as the bulk of the data is text and shrinks very satisfyingly and can be stored away cheaply on USB drives. We simply couldn't afford Litespeed though one couldn't fault it. SQL Backup was just as good, and, in our experience, support is excellent.

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