Backup Encryption Keys using rskeymgmt error:The local NT Service is disabled 0x80090005

  • Greetings, trying to install sp2 on our reporting server, following the instructions I am trying to make a backup copy of the encryption keys using the rskeymgmt utilitiy, and when I run the command and reply to the verification msg, I get this msg back

    The local NT Service is disabled 0x80090005

    I have found a number of people hitting this on the web, but no replies as to what was done to resolve the problem. Any information would be appreciated.

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Did you ever find an answer?

    Thx, Megan

  • Still waiting on responses for above issue. Help is appreciated,





  • I am facing the same problem but unable to resolve it. Doesn anyone know the resolution...



  • turn on the service that it says is not running... I believe it is DTC Coordinator, or something to that effect.

    David Russell
    Any Cloud, Any Database, Oracle since 1982

  • That didn't work for me, but please share if you get it working.



  • Actually I never resolved this fully, but I did determine that Reporting Services had been installed/reinstalled incorrectly on this machine which caused a number of issues. There is a set process that Microsoft has documented that you have to follow when you backup and restore or move to a new server. This was not followed and thus, we can not install sp2.

  • Try turning on the 'Remote Procedure Call (RPC)' and/or the 'Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator' services.  This should enable the encryption keys to be saved.

  • This may be because the ReportServer service was set up to initially run as 'NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService' account, but now it is running as a different account. If this is so then you should switch the service back to use the 'NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService' login (leave the password field blank).

    Then restart the service and try again. This worked for me.

  • 'NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService' did not work for me.

  • I am running the ReportServer with a domain service account and this is how I got it to work:

    a). I did not have an encryption key backup so I ran:

    rskeymgmt -d

    If a backup of the encryption keys is available then you should run:

    rskeymgmt -a -f <fully qualified path to the file that stores a backup copy of the symmetric keys>

    -p <password>

    b). rsconfig -c -s <SQLSERVERNAME>

    -d reportserver -a Windows -u <MYDOMAIN\MYACCOUNT>

    -p <PASSWORD>

    c). rsactivate -c"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Reporting Services\ReportServer\RSReportServer.config"

    I hope this will be of any help for you.

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