backup disk to tape

  • Hi folks,

    Here's the scenario:

    1. 12:00 AM - Full or Diff backup

    2. every 15 minutes t-logs backup (logs are stored to the recent backup file of either the full or diff)

    3. after the full or diff backup our network guy backup the files from the disk to tape. While doing the backup from disk to tape, the file being backup is also being updated via the tlogs backup. What will happen to the file that is being backup on to tape while also the same file is being used to store the t-logs backup?

    Hope others could shed light and share their approaches in backing up db files backup to tape.

    Kindest Regards,

    SQL 2000 (Clustered)/SQL 2005

  • The log backup will fail because the disk file is in use by the tape copy process.  To avoid that, schedule log backups so they don't occur during the window when the files are being copied to tape.  For example, our tape backups run between midnight and 4:00 AM so we don't schedule log backups during that time period.



  • What will happen now to t-logs that were not backup during those hours? If for some reason corruption of db and log files happened right after the backup window then you will definitely lose transactions entered during those hours..Am I right?...Pls guide me thanks.

    Kindest Regards,

    SQL 2000 (Clustered)/SQL 2005

  • You're right.  Your network guy should be able to tell you how long the disk to tape backup takes so you can schedule your log backup interruption for the minimum window.

    We have very few transactions during our outage window and we've never had a problem, though 4 hours seems like a long time.



  • You can also have your t-log backups write to separate files so the file being written to isn't the one that's being copied to tape.



  • Thanks Greg, initially we will schedule the t-logs backup every other day to ensure current yesterday's logs are written to tape...

    Kindest Regards,

    SQL 2000 (Clustered)/SQL 2005

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