Backup databse files and filegroups

  • what is the best practice for backup/restore database files and filegroup files ?


  • any advice ?

    i have a database in a Simple mode, full backup every sunday and differencial every night. I added 12 filegroups/files ..

    What is the best way to backup/restore this case?


  • I hope you know that you cant recover the Database to a Point In Time with Simple Recovery and if that's what you are intending then the Backup Schedule is ok. But a point to mention is what is the size of the Database, without knowing which it is not appropriate to say if it is a good schedule you have in place, example if you have a DB which is 20 Gigs then the above Backup schedule will be point less (unless you have no space for storing 7 Full Backups).

    And finally what is the purpose that you have added 12 File /Filegroups?

    can you explain?

    Bru Medishetty

    Blog -- LearnSQLWithBru

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  • My DB is 330GB. We don’t need a full model in this case. We just insert data and then we create reports. The reason of the 12 filegroups is because I have a table with more than 200million records and the partitions are for month (each month each filegroup/file).

    I’m wondering what is the best practice of backup for this scenario.

    Thank you in advance

  • Since your DB is 330 Gb and I get the reason for the additional Filegroups, the backup plan you have is good to work with.

    Just for more details, what do you mean you insert data and run reports, do you import data using SSIS or BCP or Stored Procs and the reporting application used the Data. Is that right?

    Bru Medishetty

    Blog -- LearnSQLWithBru

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  • right now I used bcp.. The next step is to use SSIS instead bcp for the insertion of data.

    conclusion: If i restore my full backup, the filesgroups will restored with as well right?

  • Yeah, Filegroups will all be back when you restore from a full backup.

    Bru Medishetty

    Blog -- LearnSQLWithBru

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