Backing up SQL SVR 7/2000 to a mapped network drive

  • Hi folks I need help trying to backup SQL SVR to a mapped network drive. There seems to be some added permissions SQL SVR needs to view the drives. When I use the maintenance plan it only sees local drives. Any help would be greatly appreiciated.

    Thanking ALL in advance

    webdaddy 13

  • Sounds like a permissions issue.  What is the account that the SQL Server service is running under?  If it's the local system account, it won't be able to see the other server drives.  Try using a domain account with administrative priveleges and see if that works.  Hope this helps.

    My hovercraft is full of eels.

  • Try typing in the full UNC name anyway eg \\server\share_folder$ and make sure the SQL server service is not running in local system account.

  • Hi Ramesh this is webdaddy13

    How would I go about creating another account for SQL SVR. I actually went in and created a new user called SQLSVR gave it admins privs and reatarted SQL SVR service with it. NO good ebterprise mgr wouldnt run and the SQL SVR service wouldnt start. Any ideas???



  • SQL Server is real picky about how it handles mapped drives. I've found that the easiest way to handle network drives is to use UNC naming conventions. Even when you think permissions are correctly set up, you can still run into problems but UNC's are much more relaxed.

  • Jason you are so right!!!!

     I finally found out what my problem was and I hope this solution helps others. I had to go to my machines that have SQL SVR 2000 separately from my machines that have SQL SVR 7.0. The 2003 server/SQL 2000 machines behave normally. You change from the local system account to a domain administered account and it works. It doesnt quite work that way for SQL SVR 7.0 see;en-us;207187

    So I have solved this issue for 2000 but not 7.0 but I am working on it. When I get it I will try to post it here for others. Send an email to if I forget. I think the answer on 7.0 is to re-install the SQL SVR as a domain account server rather than local system account. I do not know at this point that this is the FINAL answer.


    Thanks for everyone's help it all led me in the correct direction!!!

    Central Rocks!!!



  • I have solved this issue for my win 2000/SQL SVR 7.0 installation. It is a permissions problem involving win 2K OS on that particular server.

    "Event ID: 7000" or "Event ID: 7013" Error Message When You Attempt to Start a Service;en-us;314357&Product=winxp

    Thanks for everyones help again



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