Backing up mirrored servers

  • What is the best practice regards backing up mirrored servers.

    Setting schelduled jobs on the principle server to perform full backups and regular log backups is no problem.

    You cant do this on the mirrored server as the database is in recovery.

    But what if the principle goes down causing the mirror to then take over.

    Is it down to us to manually then start backup jobs on this box or can this be automated in any way?

    Your thoughs and ideas appreciated.

  • Add a job step to check DB status (whether Online or Recovery/Mirror), then only start if it's Online

    I seem to remember you can use Maint. Plans in Mirror Servers (or that it can magically failover to the Mirrored server as well?)

    Mirroring 101

    SQLServerNewbieMCITP: Database Administrator SQL Server 2005

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