Back up job

  • Hi All,

    We are using the third party back up tool. The backup has been scheduled as a job. After looking into the job history the job status is "executing" and its run date was a week ago. The db size is around 2.5TB and we are using Redgate. If i run sp_who2 then process status is sleeping. How do i know whether the backup job is succeded. Is this job history not getting refreshed as sp_who2 status is sleeping. If the backup job is not succeded the why it is taking too long for the execution.

    Please suggest

  • I have personally noticed that sometime the RedGate backups continues to run. And even if you will see the RedGate viewer it will show that the backup is still running.

    Do one thing, Go and check the Sql server Error Log every backup success and failure Entry is captured into it. It seems your backup is already finished.

    Also check the backup file phyically on the backup location and campare its size with previous backup files.

    If the above conditions are true. .. I mean if the backup is done. Then you can restart your REdgate services once and it will release the connections with sql server.

    Because it seems that Red Gate service is hung State..


  • Thanks Sachin,

    I checked the logs it seems that process has been killed by another user but in job history the job status is executing. So if i restart the redgate service then i will have the refreshed job history right. What could be the cause for hanging the service if u have any idea.

  • Best thing to do if you *think* a SQL Backup has hung is to run the following against the Master DB of the server performing the job:

    execute master..sqbstatus 1

    You should see a number of values including bytes processed. If you run this a few times then you should see the bytes processed value changing. This just indicates the job is taking time to complete. If the value doesn't change, you can then run the following:

    execute master..sqbutility 9997

    This should output a debug log called SQBCoreService_%instance name%_bugreport.txt to the default log folder, which should be a similar path to the following:

    C:\ProgramData\Red Gate\SQL Backup\Log

    Once you have this, it's then best to send in the logs plus the syntax for the job being run to support(at) If you have a need to kill the job, you can run Task Manager and kill SQBCoreService.exe.



    (Disclaimer - I work in the Red Gate Product Support team)

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