back up from a data base on VB with out source code

  • is it possible to back up from a data base (SQL)

    on a VB program

    with out any source code of its   VB  program ?

  • I hate to say this but Hunh??!?!?!  Are you asking is it possible to restore a VB application with a SQL BACKUP/RESTORE?

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • No that's not what he's after.  There was a second post and if I think I've got it, he has a VB app point to a SQL Server database and he wants to move the DB from the existing server machine to another machine.  VB source is not available.

    Unless something "out there" was done in the VB app, assume the VB app connects to the DB using ADO or DAO.  Embedded in the VB app is probably a connection string, unless the developers decided to store this in a registry setting or some other external support file.  If this is the case, you're in luck -- just find the registry entry or wherever the connection string is and point it to the new SQL Server.  Otherwise, you're probably stuck with the existing connection string.  If this is the case you can move the SQL database but the new "target" machine will have to have the same name and more than likely the same IP address as the existing server.  The SQL database(s) will also require the same name.  That way if you have an embedded connection string like ""Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Initial Catalog=MYDB;Data Source=MYSERVER" the string will still point to the right server/database.

    Hope this helps a bit...  Steve

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