Automatically Importing XML / CSV Files

  • Hi

    I need to import csv & xml files automatically into a sql server table, ideally I need it to recognise when a file is in a directory then run an import (DTS presumably) and then archive the imported file.

    The major problems I am encountering is getting it to realise there is a file waiting and picking up the filename which changes with every file!

    If anyone has any ideas I would appreciate it.



  • this is a rather quick cut 'n paste from a process I use for a similar task.

    It moves files from a download area to a workarea renaming the file with today's date and the process time (all the files I receive have the same name each day, to archive, I need to rename them).

    It also writes the name of the file to an ImportExportLog table which can then be used for the process loop package (built using the loop example at which reads the name of each file and processes it.

    The archive task is a cut from this task.

    Note I open the file for read and then write a new file - I have removed some stuff here where I do some data manipulation which you may not be doing. It may be an option to use the FSO to simply move the file w/o opening it.


    '  File Move script.

    '     Used to move files from the downloads directory to

    '      the workarea directory.

    '     Server name and directory values are read from DTS global

    '     variables


    Option Explicit

    Dim oFSO

    Dim objCommand

    Dim objConnection

    Dim objRecordSet

    Dim sServerName

    Dim sTargetFolder

    Dim sErrorFolder

    Dim sRootFolder

    Dim sSubFolders

    Dim sFiles

    Dim sExtensionString

    Dim  sTableName

    Dim  sSpecName

    Dim  sFormatId

    Dim sSplit

    Dim sSplitControl

    Dim sErrorFile

    Dim bRenameFile

    Dim sDay

    Dim sMonth

    Dim sHour

    Dim sMinute

    Dim sSecond

    Dim sDate

    Dim sUserID

    Dim sPassword


    ' Default UserID and Password


    sUserId = ""

    sPassword = ""


    'get today's date

    sDate =  Now()

    ' Get Rename parameter from global variable

    bRenameFile = DTSGlobalVariables("RenameFile").Value

    IF bRenameFile THEN

                 'Get date and time values to use in rename extension

                 sDay = Day(Date)

                 IF Len(sDay) = 1 THEN sDay = "0" & sDay

                 sMonth = Month(Date)

                 IF Len(sMonth) = 1 THEN sMonth = "0" & sMonth

                 sHour = Hour(Time)

                 IF Len(sHour) = 1 THEN sHour = "0" & sHour

                 sMinute = Minute(Time)

                 IF Len(sMinute) = 1 THEN sMinute = "0" & sMinute

                 sSecond = Second(Time)

                 IF Len(sSecond) = 1 THEN sSecond = "0" & sSecond

                 sExtensionString =  sMonth & sDay & Year(Date) & sHour & sMinute & sSecond

    End If

    ' current server name

    sServerName = DTSGlobalVariables("ServerName").Value

    ' Create File System Object

    Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    ' Get the from (download) directory

    Set sRootFolder = oFso.GetFolder(DTSGlobalVariables("FromDirectory").Value)

    ' Then get the list of SubFolders beneath this root folder

    Set sSubFolders = sRootFolder.SubFolders

    ' Get the move to (work) directory

    sTargetFolder = DTSGlobalVariables("ToDirectory").Value

    If Right(sTargetFolder, 1) <> "\" Then

          sTargetFolder = sTargetFolder & "\"

    End If

    ' error directory

    sErrorFolder = DTSGlobalVariables("ErrorDirectory").Value

    If Right(sErrorFolder, 1) <> "\" Then

          sErrorFolder = sErrorFolder & "\"

    End If

    'connect to the database

    Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

    objConnection.ConnectionString = "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=" & sServerName & ";Initial Catalog=YOUR DATABASE;User Id=" & sUserID & ";Pwd=" & sPassword


    'build a command object to use for SQL Inserts into task history

    Set objCommand =   CreateObject("ADODB.Command")

    Set objCommand.ActiveConnection = objConnection

    Set objRecordSet = CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")


    ' Main Function for this script

    '    Loop through downloads directory, pass each file found in root or any subdirectory of

    '    the root to a split function which will move the file to the workarea directory and split it if it

    '    has multiple header rows


    Function Main()

     ' ***************************************************************************

     ' Log process start

     ' ***************************************************************************

     objCommand.CommandText = "Insert Into TaskHistory (PackageName, StepName, RunDate, OrigFileLocation)"

     objCommand.CommandText = objCommand.CommandText & "Values ('File Split', 'Start', convert(datetime,'" &  sDate & "',101), 'Begin Move/Split')"


     ' Check for files in root folder -- not supposed to be any at this level, but

      ' account for error

      Set sFiles =  sRootFolder.Files

      For Each sFiles in sFiles

            move  sFiles.Path, sFiles.Name



      ' Loop through each subfolder

      For Each sSubFolders in sSubFolders

              ' Get the list of files in this subfolder

              Set sFiles =  sSubFolders.Files

              move  sFiles.Path, sFiles.Name 


      ' Clean Up

      Set oFSO = Nothing

      Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

     End Function


    ' Move files without splitting


    Function move ( filePath,  fileName)          ', extensionString )

     Const ForReading = 1

                 Const ForWriting  =  2

                 Const Appending = 8

     Dim objTextStream

     Dim strText

                 Dim bValidHeader

     Dim outFileName

                 Dim tso

     Dim iFileNumber

     objCommand.CommandText = "Insert Into TaskHistory (PackageName, StepName, RunDate, OrigFileLocation)"

     objCommand.CommandText = objCommand.CommandText & "Values ('File Split', 'Processing File', convert(datetime,'" &  sDate & "',101), '" &  filePath & "')"



    '    FileSystemObject.OpenTextFile(fname,mode,create,format)


    'Parameter Description

      'fname  Required. The name of the file to open

      'mode  Optional. How to open the file

          '1=ForReading - Open a file for reading. You cannot write to this file.

          '2=ForWriting - Open a file for writing.

          '8=ForAppending - Open a file and write to the end of the file.


      'create  Optional. Sets whether a new file can be created if the filename does not exist.

         'True indicates that a new file can be created, and False indicates that a new file will not be created. False is default

      'format  Optional. The format of the file

         '0=TristateFalse - Open the file as ASCII. This is default.

         '-1=TristateTrue - Open the file as Unicode.

         '-2=TristateUseDefault - Open the file using the system default.


                 ' Open the passed in  file for read

       Set objTextStream = oFSO.OpenTextFile(filePath , ForReading)

     If not objTextStream.AtEndOfStream Then

      'read first line

                   strText = objTextStream.ReadLine



      sErrorFile = sErrorFolder & fileName  & "." & sExtensionString

      objCommand.CommandText = "Insert Into TaskHistory (PackageName, StepName, RunDate, OrigFileLocation)"

      objCommand.CommandText = objCommand.CommandText & "Values ('File Process', 'Error', convert(datetime,'" &  sDate & "',101), '" &  sErrorFile & " is an empty file.')"


      oFSO.MoveFile filePath, sErrorFile

      Exit Function

                 End If

     'set up the output file name           

    ' iFileNumber = 1

                  outFileName = sTargetFolder & fileName  & "." & sExtensionString   ' & "." &   iFileNumber

                  'and open it for write

                  Set  tso = oFSO.OpenTextFile(outFileName, ForWriting, True)

     'write the first line to the output file               


     'read the next line

     strText = objTextStream.ReadLine

     'if not at end, go into loop and write records until EOF

     If NOT objTextStream.AtEndOfStream Then

            Do While NOT  objTextStream.AtEndOfStream


      strText = objTextStream.ReadLine

                               If IsNull( strText ) or LTrim(Rtrim(strText)) =  "" THEN

       objCommand.CommandText = "Insert Into TaskHistory (PackageName, StepName, RunDate, OrigFileLocation)"

       objCommand.CommandText = objCommand.CommandText & "Values ('File Process', 'Error', convert(datetime,'" &  sDate & "',101), '" & FileName & " delivered with blank data lines. Bypassed..')"


       End If   



         ' write an entry into ImportExportLog

         objCommand.CommandText = "Insert Into ImportExportLog ( OrigFileLocation)"

         objCommand.CommandText = objCommand.CommandText & "Values ( '" & outFileName & "')"





      sErrorFile = sErrorFolder & fileName  & "." & sExtensionString

      oFSO.MoveFile filePath, sErrorFile

      objCommand.CommandText = "Insert Into TaskHistory (PackageName, StepName, RunDate, OrigFileLocation)"

      objCommand.CommandText = objCommand.CommandText & "Values ('File Split', 'Error', convert(datetime,'" &  sDate & "',101), '" & sErrorFile & " has no data records.')"



      Exit Function

     End If


     Set objTextStream = Nothing

     Set tso = Nothing


    End Function






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