Automated way to combine DTS packages

  • I am working with other programmers to build a complex process in DTS. The other people are taking each piece of the process, developing, and testing their piece in other DTS packages. Once their pieces are done, my job will be to integrate the pieces. We are all working via the DTS Designer interface.

    Is there a way to import (via automation if possible) the various separate DTS packages into the master DTS package instead of opening each object in the Designer, pulling out the relative information and recreating that object in the master?

    The preference is to not have the master "call" the other packages, but rather, pull everything together into one.

    Any suggestions? 




  • I've looked and have not found a way to copy from 1 DTS to another.  Could have used it a few times.

  • Thanks for trying! 

  • You can call a package from within a package.

    IE - Create a master package that calls the individual packages each in turn.

    The Users are always right - when I'm not wrong!

  • I was trying to avoid that because I wasn't sure how to pass variables between packages.  Can you pass Global Variables between packages?

    How does that work?

  • You can pass Global Variables into a DTS package via the dtsrun utility. Please see the below link for the full run down

    Hope this is of help

  • You can pass the Global Variables into a DTS package via an 'inner package global variable'.

    Create an 'Execute package' task and look at then properites. You will see the two tabs named as inner and outer package global variables. You want the INNER. You will be able to dropdown to the variable in the gui.

    The Users are always right - when I'm not wrong!

  • Great! ... I will give it a try!   Thanks!

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