AS Timeout 1 Hour When processing Cube

  • Analysis Services is connecting to the Oracle back end to populate a cube from a database. While processing the cube, it is running for an hour, then timeout occurs. We cannot find a way to change this timeout interval from its default value. Is there a solution?

    Thanks for your help.

  • Look at the properties of the server in analysis services view and check to see if a server timeout value has been specified on the processing tab.

    You may need to set it at something like 2 hours and see if it works for you.

    The Users are always right - when I'm not wrong!

  • Thanks Jonathan. That would be too simple. It is currently set to about 18 hours but the process terminates with a timeout error after one hour anyway - very consistently.


  • Are you using oracle on NT. My last job had a similar problem when trying to run reports for more than an hour. Funnily enough, it bombed out at exactly an hour.

    An oracle db came in along with an NT expert and helped us out. I was not privvy to what went on unfortunately.

    The Users are always right - when I'm not wrong!

  • Did you get this fixed yet?  Some ideas...

    You might want to try setting the timeout property to zero, which I believe is infinite (no timeout). What might be happening is that your query  being requested by AS from Oracle needs to be optimized for faster results. Add indexes where necessary and eliminate any unnecessary columns. Also, check the bandwidth between the AS server and the Oracle server, if not on the same server. You might need a fatter connection.



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