Are You a Ten?

  • The above two points (know what the product can do not necessarily how, and knowing where to go to ask for help) is about how far anyone using the product can actually get. Not sure if numbers matter as long as you know that well. I was at a session on speaking and blogging at PASS this year and a young lady sitting next to me said her goal was to speak and develop knowledge of the product like certain top notch guru was known to be part of the SQL Product team at one point. I think that is a lofty goal but not sure how a DBA working on the product can acquire inside knowledge that people who actually made the product have. Even in the DBA arena, many DBAs get to work on complex projects and assignments that get them to acquire more knowledge than others. I am not demeaning the effort that goes into making the best of such an assignment and many do not but most do. Beleive me i would probably take a complex assignment with lots of learning potential over a bonus even, if I could!! But many of us are stuck with doing the same mundane tasks day after day, we do spend personal time and effort learning but it does not come close to working with actual assignments and proving our worth. I guess I digress but I would not blame myself for not being at a certain number as long as i made the best of the cards i was dealt with and put in the effort i could in self learning.

  • This is one of those questions that I don't like. There is no way I would rate myself a 9 or 10. But rating yourself at all seems like an opportunity for misconception. I know that there is a lot I don't know and I know where I can turn for the answers. I also know a good amount of people that know more about SQL Server than me. Knowing that you still need to learn and that there are sources of knowledge out there (that are good) is far more important than an arbitrary rating.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • I've always said that there are three types of computer users :

    There's more than 3. One of the ones I hate is the smart slackers that expect you to do all the work while they waste time and take credit or refuse to learn how to do their job.

  • chrisn-585491 (12/1/2010)

    There's more than 3. One of the ones I hate is the smart slackers that expect you to do all the work while they waste time and take credit or refuse to learn how to do their job.

    Instead of just criticizing those smart slackers, why not join the club? 😉

    The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich

    "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho

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