Are the posted questions getting worse?

  • drew.allen - Friday, August 24, 2018 8:35 AM

    How can you "forget" that you posted a question on a topic two weeks ago and still be able to function in a job that requires holding a lot of information in your head?  How can you (presumably) implement something from that previous post and then "forget" that you had implemented it?


    My guess, this person is a) underqualified, b) too busy, and c) not trying to learn, but just solve problems. Someone posted an answer, they used it and didn't think about why it works, just that it did. They didn't then recognize that this is the same issue.

    That or they dropped the ball, ignored the report and someone yelled at them and they panicked. Plus, if you come here, you might search and not find the question. Plenty of people don't think about how to find their own questions. That might be a UI thing for me to examine.

  • drew.allen - Friday, August 24, 2018 8:35 AM

    How can you "forget" that you posted a question on a topic two weeks ago and still be able to function in a job that requires holding a lot of information in your head?  How can you (presumably) implement something from that previous post and then "forget" that you had implemented it?


    Does that code posted even work?

  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor - Friday, August 24, 2018 9:07 AM

    Good for you. Enjoy the time off

    Oh I'm planning too!
    At least three authors whose work I enjoy will be there, one even said on Twitter (he's not doing an "official" autograph session) that he'd be glad to sign some books I have.
    Beyond that, well, considering the con runs 24hrs a day once it gets started, yeah, I'm going to have fun...

  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor - Friday, August 24, 2018 9:26 AM

    My guess, this person is a) underqualified, b) too busy, and c) not trying to learn, but just solve problems. Someone posted an answer, they used it and didn't think about why it works, just that it did. They didn't then recognize that this is the same issue.

    That or they dropped the ball, ignored the report and someone yelled at them and they panicked. Plus, if you come here, you might search and not find the question. Plenty of people don't think about how to find their own questions. That might be a UI thing for me to examine.

    Either that, or he's as old as me and Moden and can't remember why he went into the bathroom!

    Michael L John
    If you assassinate a DBA, would you pull a trigger?
    To properly post on a forum:

  • - Friday, August 24, 2018 9:52 AM

    Oh I'm planning too!
    At least three authors whose work I enjoy will be there, one even said on Twitter (he's not doing an "official" autograph session) that he'd be glad to sign some books I have.
    Beyond that, well, considering the con runs 24hrs a day once it gets started, yeah, I'm going to have fun...

    And going to need a vacation from your vacation.  I was actually glad we came home a day early from our July trip to let me recover and have a relaxing day here before the grind of life hit.

  • Michael L John - Friday, August 24, 2018 10:21 AM

    Steve Jones - SSC Editor - Friday, August 24, 2018 9:26 AM

    My guess, this person is a) underqualified, b) too busy, and c) not trying to learn, but just solve problems. Someone posted an answer, they used it and didn't think about why it works, just that it did. They didn't then recognize that this is the same issue.

    That or they dropped the ball, ignored the report and someone yelled at them and they panicked. Plus, if you come here, you might search and not find the question. Plenty of people don't think about how to find their own questions. That might be a UI thing for me to examine.

    Either that, or he's as old as me and Moden and can't remember why he went into the bathroom!

    Usually that is the one one room I remember why I went there.

  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor - Friday, August 24, 2018 10:30 AM - Friday, August 24, 2018 9:52 AM

    Oh I'm planning too!
    At least three authors whose work I enjoy will be there, one even said on Twitter (he's not doing an "official" autograph session) that he'd be glad to sign some books I have.
    Beyond that, well, considering the con runs 24hrs a day once it gets started, yeah, I'm going to have fun...

    And going to need a vacation from your vacation.  I was actually glad we came home a day early from our July trip to let me recover and have a relaxing day here before the grind of life hit.

    Yeah, especially considering we're driving down and back from Atlanta...
    So I took off all of next week and the following week, the con ends on Monday and we're going to get home either Monday late (if we drive straight through,) or Tuesday sometime...

  • What con?  I don't remember you mentioning a con anywhere?

    I'm about to head to Baltimore for a weekend of board games.  I'm probably going to stay up way too late and get up way too early and be more exhausted on Monday than I am now.  Should be fun.  Reminds me of a song sung by a group that mostly (only?) performed at science fiction conventions.  The song was called "The Harried Leisure Class."


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • drew.allen - Friday, August 24, 2018 1:20 PM

    What con?  I don't remember you mentioning a con anywhere?

    I'm about to head to Baltimore for a weekend of board games.  I'm probably going to stay up way too late and get up way too early and be more exhausted on Monday than I am now.  Should be fun.  Reminds me of a song sung by a group that mostly (only?) performed at science fiction conventions.  The song was called "The Harried Leisure Class."


    Sounds like my typical weekend. My wife and I have a group that plays at our house almost every Friday (Gloomhaven) and then I have another group that I go to most Saturdays (we play all kinds of stuff, even D&D about every 6-8 weeks). The good news is the kids are getting old enough where they can start to play some of the better games. We try to have at least one evening a week at home with the four of us for some games.


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  • A friend of mine got me back into role playing.  I say it is D & D but the rules we are using is actually called HARP.  Was Saturday evenings, but we moved it to Sunday afternoons and everyone seems much more active in the sessions.  Saturday nights some would start dozing off or down right going to sleep later into the sessions.
  • drew.allen - Friday, August 24, 2018 1:20 PM

    What con?  I don't remember you mentioning a con anywhere?

    I'm about to head to Baltimore for a weekend of board games.  I'm probably going to stay up way too late and get up way too early and be more exhausted on Monday than I am now.  Should be fun.  Reminds me of a song sung by a group that mostly (only?) performed at science fiction conventions.  The song was called "The Harried Leisure Class."


    We're going down to Atlanta for Dragon Con next weekend, we leave Tuesday (driving down.)

    And, as of about 2 minutes ago, I shut off my work phone :w00t: for the next two weeks, going to toss it and my work badges into my safe along with the phone (and if it'll fit, work laptop,) and then I'm going to enjoy my two weeks off...
    Well, except for knowing one of my servers refused to install one of the windows updates for this month, and I'll need to figure it out when I get back, but it might not be so bad as it's a "lightly" used server that I can probably arrange to work on during business hours, so...
    I ain't worrying too much about it...

  • No need to pile on... I'm just venting a bit because I see this more and more and not just on this site.

    Is it just me or do you get a bit frustrated (I just accidently bent the crowbar I was removing the rust from 😉 ) knowing that someone got a position/job that obviously requires knowledge of SQL, is probably being paid pretty well for such knowledge, and can't write a lick of code to solve such a well laid out requirement as posted in the original question as in the following post?

    Long live the GETDATE() question! 😀

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

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  • Jeff Moden - Thursday, August 23, 2018 10:13 PM

    Steve Jones - SSC Editor - Thursday, August 23, 2018 5:08 PM

    Like it would last long enough us to notice. And keep your ice cream on your plate. Not on my pi pie

    Needs a shot of Drambui on the ice cream, wherever you put it.

    I reckon Glayva would be better than Drambuie. (After all, "Very good" is surely better than "the satisfied drink", and those are the English translations of those two misspelt (for English use) Gaelic drink names ("Glé mhath" and "An dram buidheach").  (I suspect that James Ross, who renamed the drink "Drambuie" in about 1885, thought that "buidheach" meant the same as "a sasaicheas" - "which satisfies" -, or perhaps "riaraichte" - which can mean "satisfactory", but it doesn't now and didn't during the 19th century).


  • Jeff Moden - Saturday, August 25, 2018 9:05 PM

    No need to pile on... I'm just venting a bit because I see this more and more and not just on this site.

    Is it just me or do you get a bit frustrated (I just accidently bent the crowbar I was removing the rust from 😉 ) knowing that someone got a position/job that obviously requires knowledge of SQL, is probably being paid pretty well for such knowledge, and can't write a lick of code to solve such a well laid out requirement as posted in the original question as in the following post?

    Long live the GETDATE() question! 😀

    That topic has a very rare property - in fact a very very exetremely unexpectedly and almost unbleivably rare one.  It's one where Joe C  has provided the best reply.  Sadly, the OP probably won't understand a word Celko wrote, despite it being put both fairly clearly and politely.  This is one case where I would have thought his usual offensive rant style perfectly appropriate, the OP deserved it - he shouldn't have taken on a job where his skill and knowledge are clearly non-existent.


  • - Saturday, August 25, 2018 9:23 AM

    We're going down to Atlanta for Dragon Con next weekend, we leave Tuesday (driving down.)

    And, as of about 2 minutes ago, I shut off my work phone :w00t: for the next two weeks, going to toss it and my work badges into my safe along with the phone (and if it'll fit, work laptop,) and then I'm going to enjoy my two weeks off...
    Well, except for knowing one of my servers refused to install one of the windows updates for this month, and I'll need to figure it out when I get back, but it might not be so bad as it's a "lightly" used server that I can probably arrange to work on during business hours, so...
    I ain't worrying too much about it...

    I'd love to invite you a beer while you're in Atlanta.We missed the date to get one day passes for DragonCon, but I'm still wondering if we would actually go to the whole event (my wife is not nearly as geek as I am). I'll send contact details on a private message.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

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