Are the posted questions getting worse?

  • Me thinks someone is in a bit of pickle here.

    Gail, you may want to see if you could help. I can't think of much off hand.

  • jcrawf02 (5/14/2013)

    Jeff, wanted to thank you (and everyone who helped) again for the delimitedsplit8k function, I just had an experience at work where you made me look really good.

    file with completely 0NF data (abnormalized? lol) where two or three columns had CSV lists of specialties, FIPS codes for service areas, etc.

    I was able to take the file as it existed, break out the data and create multiple records for each provider, specialty, location in order to create maps that we needed urgently.

    My solution was supposed to be a fail-safe, ended up looking better than the original solution because I could get all that data out and generated within 24 hours. (~40 maps)


    VERY cool! Thanks for the feedback and very happy to have been able to help.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • Stefan Krzywicki (5/14/2013)

    The Dixie Flatline (5/14/2013)

    Stefan Krzywicki (5/14/2013)

    The Dixie Flatline (5/14/2013)

    Stefan Krzywicki (5/14/2013)

    The Dixie Flatline (5/14/2013)

    We're all fungible.

    Not me! I used anti-fungis cream.

    Does that mean you're not a fun guy?

    Right. I'm more of a tree really.

    Binary or balanced?


    On that note, I'm going for coneheadiferous. 😀

  • dbursey (5/15/2013)

    Stefan Krzywicki (5/14/2013)

    The Dixie Flatline (5/14/2013)

    Stefan Krzywicki (5/14/2013)

    The Dixie Flatline (5/14/2013)

    Stefan Krzywicki (5/14/2013)

    The Dixie Flatline (5/14/2013)

    We're all fungible.

    Not me! I used anti-fungis cream.

    Does that mean you're not a fun guy?

    Right. I'm more of a tree really.

    Binary or balanced?


    On that note, I'm going for coneheadiferous. 😀

    Cone head bearing? Surely that means "pointy headed"?

    If you're really going for Dilbert's boss, please don't bring him here! :hehe:

    Or does "going for" have its other meaning? :sick:


  • On a completely unrelated note, I started making a post asking someone for a working example of a linked server for Access using the ACE drivers; about halfway through creating my example test harness, i figured out what i was doing wrong.

    like so many other posts, just by going through the motions of making my question comprehensible to others, i resolved my own question.

    As A reward, I'll tell myself I can go home early today, thank you.


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Lowell (5/15/2013)

    On a completely unrelated note, I started making a post asking someone for a working example of a linked server for Access using the ACE drivers; about halfway through creating my example test harness, i figured out what i was doing wrong.

    like so many other posts, just by going through the motions of making my question comprehensible to others, i resolved my own question.

    As A reward, I'll tell myself I can go home early today, thank you.

    Congratulations! You deserve that reward.

    Brandie Tarvin, MCITP Database AdministratorLiveJournal Blog:[/url]On LinkedIn!, Google+, and Twitter.Freelance Writer: ShadowrunLatchkeys: Nevermore, Latchkeys: The Bootleg War, and Latchkeys: Roscoes in the Night are now available on Nook and Kindle.

  • I've seen a lot of ranting about how the different UI in Windows 8 makes it very difficult for someone used to older versions of Windows to use it, so I'd been wondering whether to use Windows 7 for my next laptop.

    I was in the UK (where it's easy to buy decent machines - not ay all like here) for a few days recently and my ancient laptop needed replacing. To start with it's XP-based, so unable to install SQL Server 2012, and the manufacturer won't provide a BIOS for Windows Vista, let alone for Windows 7 or 8; on top of that the hard disc is much too small and too finicky to replace, it overheats now and again, it takes for ever to reboot - and half of forever to shut down; the battery is kaput - about 65 seconds life from fully charged to no power at all, and it is rather slow.

    Anyway, I decided to bite the bullet and jump from XP to Windows 8 - why start of with Windows 7 when it is clearly obsolescent, and anyway there are better deals available with Windows 8 than with Windows 7.

    Now can someone tell me what all the fuss is about? Please? I just don't understand what the difficulties are, in fact I suspect they were unreal problems dreamt up by bone-headed old dinosaurs who have forgotten how to adapt to new things. It's a nice slick interface, easily usable with a mouse and actually slightly more useable with a finger pad than XP is. Installing stuff is a lot less painful than XP (actually that's been true ever since Vista and knew about it because I set up my wife's system with Vista many years ago) because there's no need to go through the slow and overweight switch user dialogue to get the privileges needed for the install. The help is pretty good. It takes maybe 5 or 10 minutes for someone definitely XP-based like me to be up and running without problems.

    I also switched from Office XP (or maybe Office 2003 - I can't remember which I installed all those years ago) to Office 2013; I remember all the screams about Office UI changes years ago, and again I can't see what all the fuss was about - the UI is different, some of the changes are improvements and some are not. Also from Mozilla (with Gàidhlig UI) to IE 10 (with US English UI) because IE 10 is supposedly more secure, and find that a pain (wrong language, plus I miss the detailed control over what sites can use client side JS or VBS).

    So far I hit only four real problems, none of which appears to be a Windows 8 issue.

    1) I forgot to check which edition of Office 2013 had what in it, discovered that the edition I had acquired didn't include Outlook, so bought Outlook form MS online. Installing it on top of Office H&S was an out-and-out pain; it hangs horribly in mid-install - just stops doing things, and at this point it has deleted Word; apparently this is an extremely common problem; telling it to uninstall Office H&S then results in the expected error - can't uninstall until the previous office install has either completed or rolled back. Of course Outlook isn't on the list of programs that can be uninstalled. But it's an MS install error; reboot and try again and if that gives the same result as before, reboot again and ask it to repair the office installation, then forget about it for an hour or two (while connected to internet and logged into MS account, but using the machine for something else - eg copying files over from old machine via nasty slow pen drives or reading stuff from SQLServerCentral). That worked.

    2) Configuring Outlook is still as much of a pain as it always was, just a different pain; a long time ago I did it gradually over weeks and weeks - just fixing things (like international fonts, default encodings, keyboard shortcuts for special characters, killing off the preview pane, what happens when the current open message is deleted, and so on) as and when they annoyed me (and having to hunt through help documentation and/or MSDN to do it) and I guess I will go through the same slow and irritating process again; the UI changes don't make any difference here, as it's not stuff I'm the least bit interested in remembering and even if the UI hadn't changed I would have forgotten how to do it by now.

    3) Getting files from the old machine to the new machine is a pain - it takes the old machine an inordinate amount of time to copy stiff to a pen drive; USB 1 is so slow.

    4) SQLServer 2012 Developer Edition is not available from MS online store in Europe. I guess I will have to download the evaluation edition instead, and hope MS have made developer edition available this side of the pond before that expires.

    Anyway, I reckon Windows 8 is super. I can install both 32-bit (eg PasswordSafe, MS Office - why does MS recommend always installing that as 32-bit?) and 64-bit (some games) software and it all runs well and a lot faster than it would on similar hardware under XP (either the path length bloat has been reduced or Windows 8 handles parallelism better than xp did), I can do most things from the desktop that I want to do from the desktop, control panel, command window, admin tools, and all that stuff are easily started and aren't much different from before, task manager is much improved compared with XP, and so on. None of the difficulties people have claimed make converting from earlier versions of Windows are real.


  • Now can someone tell me what all the fuss is about? Please?

    Not a big web user eh? Its not like people haven't been discussing this to death.

    I think with Start8 and maybe some more gadgets , Windows 8 would probably regain a UI that I like, but I'm personally shocked that a scrappy little company like that could eat Microsoft's lunch on this. I suspect Microsoft has some serious problems going on with leadership and have run out of cluebats.

    I can learn my way around 8, but it sure isn't nice and easy to use like 7. Obviously I'm not looking for touch right now, I'm not the only one, using touch in a desktop environment is tiresome because you have to hold your arm up and it causes fatigue.

    My feeling is that Microsoft is trying to "force" the new UI for reasons that don't involve end user satisfaction, and thats much of the sentiment I'm getting from others complaining. Interestingly enough, when I started using Unity I felt resentful that there was another UI to learn just like 8, but I quickly became comfortable with it in minutes, whereas Windows 8's irritation factor doesn't seem to be decreasing for me like it did with Unity.

    I think you can dismiss the significant proportion of detractors however you like, but you'll have a hard time convincing me that there aren't real issues with this release.

  • patrickmcginnis59 10839 (5/15/2013)

    Now can someone tell me what all the fuss is about? Please?

    Not a big web user eh? Its not like people haven't been discussing this to death.

    I think with Start8 and maybe some more gadgets , Windows 8 would probably regain a UI that I like, but I'm personally shocked that a scrappy little company like that could eat Microsoft's lunch on this. I suspect Microsoft has some serious problems going on with leadership and have run out of cluebats.

    I can learn my way around 8, but it sure isn't nice and easy to use like 7. Obviously I'm not looking for touch right now, I'm not the only one, using touch in a desktop environment is tiresome because you have to hold your arm up and it causes fatigue.

    My feeling is that Microsoft is trying to "force" the new UI for reasons that don't involve end user satisfaction, and thats much of the sentiment I'm getting from others complaining. Interestingly enough, when I started using Unity I felt resentful that there was another UI to learn just like 8, but I quickly became comfortable with it in minutes, whereas Windows 8's irritation factor doesn't seem to be decreasing for me like it did with Unity.

    I think you can dismiss the significant proportion of detractors however you like, but you'll have a hard time convincing me that there aren't real issues with this release.

    My mother bought a Windows 8 machine, but had no desire to use 8 or touch. She said there's a way to just use it like Windows 7. That's what she does and she has no problems.

    When you encounter a problem, if the solution isn't readily evident go back to the start and check your assumptions.
    It’s unpleasantly like being drunk.
    What’s so unpleasant about being drunk?
    You ask a glass of water. -- Douglas Adams

  • Stefan Krzywicki (5/15/2013)

    patrickmcginnis59 10839 (5/15/2013)

    Now can someone tell me what all the fuss is about? Please?

    Not a big web user eh? Its not like people haven't been discussing this to death.

    I think with Start8 and maybe some more gadgets , Windows 8 would probably regain a UI that I like, but I'm personally shocked that a scrappy little company like that could eat Microsoft's lunch on this. I suspect Microsoft has some serious problems going on with leadership and have run out of cluebats.

    I can learn my way around 8, but it sure isn't nice and easy to use like 7. Obviously I'm not looking for touch right now, I'm not the only one, using touch in a desktop environment is tiresome because you have to hold your arm up and it causes fatigue.

    My feeling is that Microsoft is trying to "force" the new UI for reasons that don't involve end user satisfaction, and thats much of the sentiment I'm getting from others complaining. Interestingly enough, when I started using Unity I felt resentful that there was another UI to learn just like 8, but I quickly became comfortable with it in minutes, whereas Windows 8's irritation factor doesn't seem to be decreasing for me like it did with Unity.

    I think you can dismiss the significant proportion of detractors however you like, but you'll have a hard time convincing me that there aren't real issues with this release.

    My mother bought a Windows 8 machine, but had no desire to use 8 or touch. She said there's a way to just use it like Windows 7. That's what she does and she has no problems.

    The Windows 7 interface is sort of there under the covers. You can switch back and forth. That aside, there are some quirks with Windows 8 (like the switching back and forth) that makes it unattractive to me.

    There were also some software compatibility issues and driver issues that I have seen.

    I have no desire to use the swipe or touch for a work laptop and to make this OS work well you need touch.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
    Learn Extended Events

  • patrickmcginnis59 10839 (5/15/2013)

    Now can someone tell me what all the fuss is about? Please?

    Not a big web user eh? Its not like people haven't been discussing this to death.

    I think with Start8 and maybe some more gadgets , Windows 8 would probably regain a UI that I like, but I'm personally shocked that a scrappy little company like that could eat Microsoft's lunch on this. I suspect Microsoft has some serious problems going on with leadership and have run out of cluebats.

    I can learn my way around 8, but it sure isn't nice and easy to use like 7. Obviously I'm not looking for touch right now, I'm not the only one, using touch in a desktop environment is tiresome because you have to hold your arm up and it causes fatigue.

    My feeling is that Microsoft is trying to "force" the new UI for reasons that don't involve end user satisfaction, and thats much of the sentiment I'm getting from others complaining. Interestingly enough, when I started using Unity I felt resentful that there was another UI to learn just like 8, but I quickly became comfortable with it in minutes, whereas Windows 8's irritation factor doesn't seem to be decreasing for me like it did with Unity.

    I think you can dismiss the significant proportion of detractors however you like, but you'll have a hard time convincing me that there aren't real issues with this release.

    Heres another take, with some more info on utilities like start8. What amazes me is that Microsoft didn't simply do what start8 did and just sidestep all the awful press they received on this, this is even beyond some of the silliness we are used to seeing from big corporate culture. This release makes Microsoft look really bad, which is a real shame because start8 just showed how quickly many of the windows 8 complaints could have been addressed and THEY AREN'T THE MAKERS OF THE OS. Microsoft needs to be on their toes bigtime right now, and instead they looked incredibly out of "touch" (LOL) with this release.

    Windows 8 is one of the biggest blunders I've seen from Microsoft.

    Lol forgot link

  • patrickmcginnis59 10839 (5/15/2013)

    patrickmcginnis59 10839 (5/15/2013)

    Now can someone tell me what all the fuss is about? Please?

    Not a big web user eh? Its not like people haven't been discussing this to death.

    I think with Start8 and maybe some more gadgets , Windows 8 would probably regain a UI that I like, but I'm personally shocked that a scrappy little company like that could eat Microsoft's lunch on this. I suspect Microsoft has some serious problems going on with leadership and have run out of cluebats.

    I can learn my way around 8, but it sure isn't nice and easy to use like 7. Obviously I'm not looking for touch right now, I'm not the only one, using touch in a desktop environment is tiresome because you have to hold your arm up and it causes fatigue.

    My feeling is that Microsoft is trying to "force" the new UI for reasons that don't involve end user satisfaction, and thats much of the sentiment I'm getting from others complaining. Interestingly enough, when I started using Unity I felt resentful that there was another UI to learn just like 8, but I quickly became comfortable with it in minutes, whereas Windows 8's irritation factor doesn't seem to be decreasing for me like it did with Unity.

    I think you can dismiss the significant proportion of detractors however you like, but you'll have a hard time convincing me that there aren't real issues with this release.

    Heres another take, with some more info on utilities like start8. What amazes me is that Microsoft didn't simply do what start8 did and just sidestep all the awful press they received on this, this is even beyond some of the silliness we are used to seeing from big corporate culture. This release makes Microsoft look really bad, which is a real shame because start8 just showed how quickly many of the windows 8 complaints could have been addressed and THEY AREN'T THE MAKERS OF THE OS. Microsoft needs to be on their toes bigtime right now, and instead they looked incredibly out of "touch" (LOL) with this release.

    Windows 8 is one of the biggest blunders I've seen from Microsoft.

    Really? Are you not old enough to remember Microsoft Bob? The hated Clippy? The insistence that the web isn't a big deal? Windows Me? The refusal to comply with the European court order about decoupling IE from Windows that cost them a ton of money? Heck, people don't even seem as upset about Windows 8 as they were about Vista. I don't think either 8 or Vista was all that bad really.

    When you encounter a problem, if the solution isn't readily evident go back to the start and check your assumptions.
    It’s unpleasantly like being drunk.
    What’s so unpleasant about being drunk?
    You ask a glass of water. -- Douglas Adams

  • patrickmcginnis59 10839 (5/15/2013)

    Now can someone tell me what all the fuss is about? Please?

    Not a big web user eh? Its not like people haven't been discussing this to death.

    Ouch. That's a little harsh, isn't it.

    Tom's not saying he hasn't heard the complaints. Just that he doesn't see the same issues everyone else is up in arms about or that he feels the need to change everything back to the way it used to look. (If I'm misunderstanding you, sir, feel free to call me out).

    Brandie Tarvin, MCITP Database AdministratorLiveJournal Blog:[/url]On LinkedIn!, Google+, and Twitter.Freelance Writer: ShadowrunLatchkeys: Nevermore, Latchkeys: The Bootleg War, and Latchkeys: Roscoes in the Night are now available on Nook and Kindle.

  • L' Eomot Inversé (5/15/2013)

    I've seen a lot of ranting about how the different UI in Windows 8 makes it very difficult for someone used to older versions of Windows to use it, so I'd been wondering whether to use Windows 7 for my next laptop.


    Now can someone tell me what all the fuss is about? Please? I just don't understand what the difficulties are, in fact I suspect they were unreal problems dreamt up by bone-headed old dinosaurs who have forgotten how to adapt to new things. It's a nice slick interface, easily usable with a mouse and actually slightly more useable with a finger pad than XP is. Installing stuff is a lot less painful than XP (actually that's been true ever since Vista and knew about it because I set up my wife's system with Vista many years ago) because there's no need to go through the slow and overweight switch user dialogue to get the privileges needed for the install. The help is pretty good. It takes maybe 5 or 10 minutes for someone definitely XP-based like me to be up and running without problems.

    I don't think there is a reason for that much fuss. The Windows Key works as before if you ever typed the name of a program. That's the biggest adjustment. If you pin things to the task bar, and stick with "old style" windows apps, it functions exactly like Win 7. The complaints over the start menu are, IMHO, overblown, though I'm not sure why there was a need to remove the old style menu and Start button.

    There are some inconsistencies in the way things are handled. Modern apps v old style apps are in different task bars, updates in different places, but mostly it's an incomplete merge of the two ways of working and it will be years and versions before this gets sorted out. Ultimately I think Microsoft's idea of moving away from a desktop to a more "app" model like on phones isn't well suited to the way lots of people work on a desktop machine. Great for tablets and phones, not so great for content creation, development, and some types of work.

    I don't think Stardock ate Microsoft's lunch. MS made a decision, and in hindsight, it seems not only to be a poor one, but also not executed on completely.

    I do think that the idea of

  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor (5/15/2013)

    I do think that the idea of

    QUICK! Someone run out to the ranch. I think one of the horses ate Steve's computer!

    Brandie Tarvin, MCITP Database AdministratorLiveJournal Blog:[/url]On LinkedIn!, Google+, and Twitter.Freelance Writer: ShadowrunLatchkeys: Nevermore, Latchkeys: The Bootleg War, and Latchkeys: Roscoes in the Night are now available on Nook and Kindle.

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