archiving text files

  • I have a need to extract datafiles using DTS to a directory on my network where, for each day, a new directory and a new file would be created ie (dir 09152005 file 09152005.txt)automatically to store the files for archiving purposes. Is there a way to do this? Even better, is there a way to pass the newly created directory and file to an ftp function to automatically have this sent?

  • If the directory is on your network, do you need FTP?  Unless I misunderstand, you could just use the NT-shell 'COPY' command and reference the target folder as a share.

    Who is going to create those new folders and files for you?  If this gets too fancy, my recommendation would be to do some of these tasks outside of T-SQL, in something like C# or VBScript or even NT Shell.  If you must drive the operations from T-SQL, then you might simply consider using 'xp_cmdshell' with NT Shell commands to create them.  Anytime you need feedback from an NT shell command within a T-SQL batch or procedure, you can use the output of 'xp_cmdshell' to populate a temp table, e.g.

    CREATE TABLE #response

      (seq    INT IDENTITY   NOT NULL

     , detail VARCHAR (8000)     NULL)

    DECLARE @cmd VARCHAR (8000)

    SELECT @cmd = 'DIR /AD /B {root folder}'

    INSERT INTO #response (detail)

      EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @cmd

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