Anyone else run into bug in KB 2498818?

  • So we have a linked server setup, and will run into random issues pulling data through the linked server setup, getting this error:

    The OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "SERVER" reported a change in schema version between compile time ("A") and run time ("B") for table ""database"."schema"."tablename"".

    Stumbled across KB 2498818, which fits our situation exactly (using synonyms, blah blah blah) and indicates the bug is fixed in SQL Server 2008 SP2 CU3. I applied CU3 on the server that's pulling data via the linked server connection, but the issue still persists. We can replicate it by doing an index rebuild/reorg.

    Anyone else run into this bug? The article isn't quite clear, so before I spend the $$$ to call Microsoft, anyone have any thoughts on whether I would also need to patch the "source" server as well? That's unfortunately a bit more of an undertaking in terms of downtime, testing, etc. than just patching the server that's pulling the data.


  • Apparently others on this forum ra into this issue:

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