Analysis Service Strange Problem

  • I have a cube that has been working just fine until a couple of days ago. Suddenly, not changes were made, I'm getting errors when the cube is processed. My predessor created the cube and left no documentation, he was fired so he deleted everything he could.

    The error I usually get is:

    Executed as user: SUBZEROCOM\adsqlsvc. ...t: DTSStep_DTSOlapProcess.Task_1 DTSRun OnError: DTSStep_DTSOlapProcess.Task_1, Error = -2147221386 (80040076) Error string: Invalid column name 'SUM_CustomerCount'.;42S22;Invalid column name 'SUM_LitWft'.;42S22;Invalid column name 'SUM_LitWfc'.;42S22;Invalid column name 'SUM_LitSzt'.;42S22;Invalid column name 'SUM_LitSzc'.;42S22;Invalid column name 'SUM_Claims'.;42S22;Invalid column name 'SUM_Requests'.;42S22;Invalid column name 'SUM_UnitsOwned'.;42S22;Invalid column name 'Day_L12'.;42S22;Invalid column name 'Month_L11'.;42S22;Invalid column name 'Year_L10'.;42S22;Invalid column name 'WebSource_L8'.;42S22;Invalid column name 'ContactMedia_L6'.;42S22;Invalid column name 'SourceMedia_L4'.;42S22;Invalid column name 'Demoprofile_L2'.;42S22 Error source: WriteBack Help file: Help context: 1000440 Error Detail Records: Error: 0 (0); Provider Error: 0 (0) Error string: Invalid column... Process Exit Code 1. The step failed.

    I can understand invalid column names being an error, but why all of a sudden would they appear? There have been no changes to the source table, nor anything involving the cube.

    I am sorely in need of some advice and direction.


  • Please put these in the appropriate forum. A better chance of getting an answer.

    Also, which version of SSAS is this?

  • Try to find the inderlayer table that usually have these column name and check if they haven't been altered, renamed or simply removed.

    As for why it just happened, he might have scheduled a SQL Agent...

  • Steve -

    I thought 'Analysis Services' was the correct forum; where should I have put this?

  • This was in administration. I moved it 😉

  • Thanks

  • The format of the table names indicates that it is a write-back table. Has the writeback option for the cube been switched off/on and/or has a dimension been added or removed? This would cause the column names of the writeback table to change.

    Hope this may be of help.

  • Yes; I turned Writeback off then on. However, I doubt that this had been done prior to the original failure. Is there something in the writeback scenario that could 'fill up'? Is there some type of preventive maintenance I should be doing?

  • Almost always a partition issue. The column is invalid because it is

    not in the original select statement (which is in the partition

    definition). Delete and recreate the partition, or simply type the

    column into the select statement on the query definition. OR - set the

    partition source back to table, then back to query again (it writes

    the select statement for you).

  • Hi,

    I see this is a very old thread, but I have a similar issue and replacing the partition does not resolve the issue. In my case, I have knowingly changed the name of a column on the source table because it is now referencing a new dimension. When I try to process the cube, it still looks for the old column name. I have refreshed the DSV, removed and re-added the measure. Removed and re-added the partition, changed the partition to a query in which the new column name is refernenced, but it still fails in the process:

    "OLE DB error: OLE DB or ODBC error: Invalid column name 'PromoKey'.; 42S22."

    Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated,


  • 😀

    Boa noite!!

    Eu tive o mesmo problema, para solucionar:

    Criei uma nova partição, atualizando a query de chamada da tabela fato.

    Depois eu apaguei a partição antiga e deixei a nova como modelo para futuras partições.

    [font="Verdana"]Diogo A. Di Pietro
    Business Intelligence Analyst[/font]

  • Thanks, this problem has been giving me the run around, added the fields to the partition and all sorted!

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