Analysis Service Hangs on deployment of cube

  • hi,

    i had made some changes to my cube and try to deploy it...But the deploying process just going on and on with no error messages..What might be the problem......I had googled it also for the past couple of days....No solutions or ideas found .....Any body faced this situation...



  • hi,

    When i run the sql server profiler....I found the following eror message...

    OLE DB error: OLE DB or ODBC error: Query timeout expired; HYT00. Trace: The SQL Server notification read operation failed. SQL Trace status code: 3462088



  • hi,

    ANy body got any ideas yaar.........:w00t:

  • Backup your cube (just in case) and try doing a fresh deployment.

    P.S. What service pack are you on? I remember some old bugs with some early versions, but that's been cleared up for some time now.

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