Allow users to access my local instance

  • Hi,

    I have a local instance of SSAS running that I want to make available to users across the network.

    Any tips on where to get started?


  • How do you want the users use your Cube?

    Application, t-sql, MDX, excel, other ?

    Igor Micev,
    My blog:

  • Through a shared data source (for reporting services) or an .ODC file to connect an Excel doument.

  • You can use the user(s) you've put into the Server administrators for SSAS - right click on the instance in the Security tab.

    Igor Micev,
    My blog:

  • I would get a windows group created with these users in it and then give that group read only permissions on the cube. I give the cube permissions via management studio, connecting to the analysis services instance and the cube and using roles. Create a browser role and use it's properties to give membership to the windows group, and set the correct cube and read only access.

    I always use windows groups for permissions as people change roles and adding or removing them from groups is far easier than working out which combinations of cubes or databases or whatever they can or can't use.

    Using the server administrators group gives far too many high level permissions - the cube users are not generally going to know the first thing about administration and you don't usually want them meddling with your carefully crafted cube!

  • thanks. I have added a group to a user role, but I have a feeling my server is not "visible" on the network. I know this is bleeding into

    a different subject area but help is appreciated.


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