Aligning multiple tables

  • Hi,

    I have a report with multiple tables displaying data from multiple datasets.

    In one column (not a table column, just tables arranged in a column) I have 6 tables and three tables in the next column. They are not joined in any way, I've just plotted them independently on my page.

    When I preview the report, the six table column looks as I want but the three tables are spread vertically and extend onto another page.

    In my layout, they are tight to each other. There's not enough data to expand the tables.

    So, how can I get these tables to line up with no space between them?


  • Hi,

    The best way in my view to try and get the tables to show in one page is to first check page size in the report layout properties page (report->report properties->layout. Make sure that it is the correct size, for landscape it should be 29.5cm page width by 21cm page height iirc, I would change the margins to 1cm all round.

    Then in the report check the size of each table by clicking on the table and then looking at the size in the table properties. Once you have the size of each table you can work out how wide each column will need to be and adjust accordingly.

    Also bear in mind that there should be no gaps in the report area.

    Hope this helps, let me know if I've gone way off. 😉

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