Aggregating multiple columns into 1

  • I have a table containing some customers names and the amounts they have spent per month.

    I would like to aggregate amounts in every month into 1 column called total amount and then add a field which groups the data by month. In a way almost transposing the data.

    I have provided some data to illustrate.


    CustName varchar(10) NULL

    ,Region Varchar(5) NULL

    , JanAmount numeric(19,2)NULL

    , FebAmount numeric(19,2)NULL

    , MarAmount numeric(19,2)NULL

    , AprAmount numeric(19,2)NULL

    , MayAmount numeric(19,2)NULL

    , JunAmount numeric(19,2)NULL

    , JulAmount numeric(19,2)NULL

    , AugAmount numeric(19,2)NULL

    , SepAmount numeric(19,2)NULL

    , OctAmount numeric(19,2)NULL

    , NovAmount numeric(19,2)NULL

    , DecAmount numeric(19,2)NULL



    SELECT 'JOHN', 'NLD',100000.00,100000.00,100000.00,100000.00,200000.00,200000.00,200000.00,200000.00,200000.00,0,0,0 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'MICHAEL', 'NLD',100000.00,100000.00,100000.00,200000.00,200000.00,200000.00,200000.00,0,0,0,0,0 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'JAMES', 'NLD',100000.00,100000.00,100000.00,100000.00,200000.00,200000.00,200000.00,200000.00,0,0,0,0

    With the data above, my output should be:

    CustName, Region, Month, Amount

    JOHN, NLD, JAN, 100000

    JOHN, NLD, FEB, 100000

    JOHN, NLD, MAR, 100000

    JOHN, NLD, APR, 100000

    JOHN, NLD, MAY, 200000

    JOHN, NLD, JUN, 200000

    JOHN, NLD, JUL, 200000

    JOHN, NLD, AUG, 200000

    JOHN, NLD, SEP, 200000

    JOHN, NLD, OCT,0

    JOHN, NLD, NOV,0

    JOHN, NLD, DEC,0

    MICHAEL, NLD, JAN, 100000

    MICHAEL, NLD, FEB, 100000

    MICHAEL, NLD, MAR, 100000

    MICHAEL, NLD, APR, 200000

    MICHAEL, NLD, MAY, 200000

    MICHAEL, NLD, JUN, 200000

    MICHAEL, NLD, JUL, 200000






    JAMES, NLD, JAN, 100000

    My issue is that I do not know how create the month field as this will only be determined from the column names.

    any ideas?

  • this will do the trick

    select custname, region, upper(left(amount,3)), amount1




    custname, region, janamount, febamount, maramount, apramount, mayamount, junamount, julamount, augamount, sepamount, octamount, novamount, decamount

    from #test) t


    (amount1 for amount in (janamount, febamount, maramount, apramount, mayamount, junamount, julamount, augamount, sepamount, octamount, novamount, decamount)

    ) As unpvt

  • I sense dynamic Cross-Tabs[/url] here!

  • worked like a charm!! much appreciated.

  • CELKO (3/16/2012)

    >> I have a table containing some customers names and the amounts they have spent per month. <<

    You have no idea what first normal form means and that a table has to have a key. All NULLs means there is no way to ever have a key! In fact, you mixed columns and fields in your specs; RDBMS only has columns.

    A month-within-year is a temporal value; you made it into an attribute and destroyed any data integrity.

    CREATE TABLE Monthly_Customer_Summary

    (customer_name VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,

    region_name VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL

    CHECK(region_name IN (..)),

    summary_month CHAR(10) NOT NULL

    CHECK (summary_month LIKE '[21][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[01][0-9]-00'),

    PRIMARY KEY (customer_name, region_name, summary_month)

    month_amt DECIMAL (19,5) NOT NULL);

    I like the MySQL convention of using double zeroes for months and years, That is 'yyyy-mm-00' for a month within a year and 'yyyy-00-00' for the whole year. The advantage is that it will sort with the ISO-8601 data format required by Standard SQL.

    Your problem is now trivial, which is usually the case with a normalized table

    SELECT summary_month, SUM (month_amt) AS month_amt_tot

    FROM Monthly_Customer_Summary;

    You assume too much. Maybe he does actually understand what 1NF is and is just trying to fix the denormalized table he's been given. Lighten up Joe. Heh... and if you like "MySQL" so much, please go to a "MySQL" forum and beat on people there for a while.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • Joe I didn't realise my post would cause such controversy.

    The denormalised table that i created was based on a csv source file we get from one of our vendors. It is uploaded into the loading area of our database with very little modifications in the ETL i.e converting nulls to zero, trimming text etc. We have very little control over the data we are given from the vendor

    By the time the data gets into the final destination, the table where it resides is normalised with a primary key and other necessary constraints to enforce referential integrity.

    I was more concerned with the T-SQL needed to manipulate the data which comes precisely in the format that was presented in the example. Hence my posting in the T-SQL part of the forum.

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