Administrator login changed...

  • I have a general question about logins.

    I have been developing a database for a few months now and have a few jobs that run over the weekend (backups and replication etc)

    This has all been working fine until this morning I came in and got the following messages. 'The job failed The owner () of job ' ' does not have server access.'

    Ths owner of the job is a member of NT login Administrator. When I look up the login for Administrator I see that Server Access is listed as being 'via group membership'. I don't think that is what it was set to before but I am not sure. Do I need to set the server access back to 'Permit'? I looked in syslogins and it doesn't look like the login was changed since it was created.

    As far as I am aware nobody has messed around with the server, so I was just wondering how it happened?

  • Hi taffy,


    Do I need to set the server access back to 'Permit'?

    have you revoked access for BULTIN\Administrator?


    As far as I am aware nobody has messed around with the server, so I was just wondering how it happened?

    well, at least one thing MUST have changed.




    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Hia Frank

    No I didn't revoke access for the Builtin\Administrator.

    Noone has change anything, yet the Administrator is listed as being 'via group membership'. If all i need to do is change it back to 'Permit', thats fine. I was just wondering if this was one of those things that sometimes happens with no explanation.

  • Hi taffy,


    Noone has change anything, yet the Administrator is listed as being 'via group membership'. If all i need to do is change it back to 'Permit', thats fine. I was just wondering if this was one of those things that sometimes happens with no explanation.

    if it works by change back, leave it this way.

    A lot of strange things happen in IT. Especially when you ask a user, if he has done anything



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

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