Adjusting Budget Balances

  • Hi,

    I'm trying to figure this problem out.  Here is an example of what I'm trying to accomplish using SQL:

    Dept. NoDept.AS Sold BudgetCurrent_MonthUnadjusted ETCAdjusted ETCY1Y2Y3Y4Y5
    1Pasc Finishing45151244391439100000
    2Waxing 5043414351     
    3Sanding 1004251      
    4Additional Finishing 1204131      

    I have an initial budgeted amount of 4515 in the [AS Sold Budget] column, now I need to subtract that amount from the [current_month] column for the first record then on the second record I need to subtract the remainder in the [Unadjusted ETC AP1] column from the second [current month] value to get the unadjusted balance.  I need to continue this for the remaining depts as well as future AP periods where the current_month is pulling actual data values and can change for future AP Periods.  One is how can I accomplish the balance reduction and what is the best way to attack the future AP Periods where current_month will change for the next AP Period. And BTW I need to allow the users the option to by pass the [Unadjusted ETC] using the [Adjusted ETC] and hence will need to recalculate the remaining balance for depts after the adjustment has been made.


  • Without more information (like DDL for the table) the best we can do is give you an algorithm.  If (big if) you have some means of idnetifying the sequence of months, perhaps a month number or something, then obtaining the prior month unadjusted ETC is:

    select top 1 UnadjustedEtc from TblName where MonthNumber < CurrentMonthNumber order by MonthNumber desc

    Once you identify the proper row to pull data from, you have a few different ways to pull either the AdjustedEtc or UnadjustedEtc.  I would probably use coalesce to select the first one that is not null.  Somethign like the following:

    select top 1 coalesce(AdjustedEtc, UnadjustedEtc) from tblName where MonthNumber < currentMonthNumber order by MonthNumber desc.

    Clerly, this is only pseudocode.  It is however the best we can do without DDL and sample data to work with.

    hope this helps


  • Actually I haven't built the table structure yet.  What I'm trying to figure out right now is the best possible solution to this issue.  This is the information I can provide:

    ERP Data:

    [Dept]/[Current_Month Actuals]/

    Forecast Data:

    [AS Sold]

    The [AS Sold] value is my starting point, for example from the above example it's 4515.  Next I want to be able to calculate the current AP01 balance by Dept (The saving grace here is that the ERP data is pulled based on a parameter AP Value, what this means is that the [current month] field will be updated with current AP data based on dept).  The values from the example above 124/50/100/120 are being pulled from the ERP system which I then need to calculate in the [Unadjusted AP01 ETC] in the following manner:

    [Unadjusted AP01 ETC]

    Rec1: 4515 - 124 = 4391

    Rec2: 4391 - 50 = 4341

    Rec3: 4341 - 100 = 4241

    Rec4: 4241 - 120 = 4121

    Finishing balance for AP01 is 4121.  Next for AP02 I have a new beginning balance of 4121, I then need to calculate AP02 using or pulling AP02 Dept. ERP data and loading it into [current month].

    Sample data:

    AP02 Balance = 4121

    Rec1: 4121 - 100 (new AP02 Dept ERP actual data)

    Rec2: 4021 - 21 (new AP02 Dept ERP actual data)

    Rec3: 4000 - 200(new AP02 Dept ERP actual data)

    What I need to do is get the last value of the dept. and use it as the beginning balance.

    Two things I'm trying to accomplish is how to get the rolling balance and how do I use last value as the beginning balance for the next AP Period.  I think this and a combination of .NET will address my problem.

    I hope this helps.


  • Hi,

    This is what I have so far:


    DeptASSoldCurrentMonthNew BalanceAdjusted_ETC
    672545151004241(should be 4251)0


    I'm not sure how to review the adjusted ETC column because the current month should be subtracting 100 from 4351 not 4341.  Below is my SQL any helpful suggestions.  The update works fine when the adjusted_etc is not used.  Can't quite figure this one out.


    If NOT EXISTS(SELECT adjusted_etc FROM test_etc WHERE adjusted_etc > 0)

     UPDATE a SET a.unadjusted_etc = c.newbalance


      test_etc a INNER JOIN (SELECT a.dept,a.assold - (SELECT SUM(b.currentmonth) FROM test_etc b WHERE a.dept >= b.dept) newbalance FROM test_etc a) c

       ON a.dept = c.dept

    If EXISTS(SELECT adjusted_etc FROM test_etc WHERE adjusted_etc > 0)

     UPDATE a SET a.unadjusted_etc = c.newbalance + a.adjusted_etc


      test_etc a INNER JOIN (SELECT a.dept,a.assold - (SELECT SUM(b.currentmonth) FROM test_etc b WHERE a.dept >= b.dept) newbalance FROM test_etc a) c

       ON a.dept = c.dept


  • Hi Everyone,

    Here is the intial output of my issue

    IdDeptASSoldActualsAP01 Unadjusted BalanceAP01 Adjusted Balance

    Step 1 updating the AP01 Unadjusted balance I accomplish this by using the following update

    UPDATE a SET a.unadjusted_etc = c.newbalance
      test_etc a INNER JOIN (SELECT a.dept,a.assold - (SELECT SUM(b.currentmonth) FROM test_etc b WHERE a.dept >= b.dept) newbalance FROM test_etc a) c
       ON a.dept = c.dept
    Step 2

    If there is a value > 0 in the adjusted column then I need to update the AP01 unadjusted balance from the record that contains the new adjusted balance add that new value + the existing balance and that becomes my new AP01 unadjusted balance.  My new result is as follows:

    IdDeptASSoldActualsAP01 Unadjusted BalanceAP02 Adjusted Balance

    The new AP01 unadjusted balance is now 4351 and going forward the actuals are subtracted using the new balance.  How can I attack this problem any ideas

    Thanks in advance

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