Adding FAQ to website, store tables in existing database or new "FAQ" database?

  • We are adding a FAQ to our website and discussing adding the required data tables to our existing database or creating a new FAQ database.

    I am in favor of adding a new FAQ database. My thinking being:

    -It separates the types of data being stored. If the FAQ goes away or changes next year, we don't have to mess around with our current database.

    -Updates to the FAQ could be published more easily without the need to "disturb" our existing database. We could backup/restore a version of the FAQ from a previous backup and never have to impact the existing database. Using tables would require table level roll backs, etc... added complexity.

    -Deployments of new data to the FAQ could be handled similarly.


    -We would have yet another database to backup and restore.... but our existing 3rd party software handles that for us anyway so that really isn't a serious concern.

    Thoughts, suggestions in general?

    There must be other angles to consider that I'm missing?

  • it sounds like you have made your mind up and FAQ deserves to be in a seperate database for the reasons you have listed.

    The main con i can see is that you will not have any RI enforced in the FAQ website relating back to your main website. If the data is not related then I would opt for another database.

  • Depends on the scenario. After all it is going to be another tables or very few tables.

    If the the SQL server is sql 2005 or later, you may have a schema "faq" and have the table(s) under "faq" schema.

    I would prefer keeping FAQ under the same database where the related data go.

  • These are Frequently Asked Questions so by definition there should not be very many of them.

    A table or two in your existing database would be easiest.

    Run INSERT scripts to populate the tables.

    When you need to refresh just TRUNCATE the tables and run latest INSERT scripts.

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