Adding a Version to a Report

  • Ok so, i've been looking around online and I couldn't find anything. Is there any way to be able to put a version somewhere within an SSRS report?

    My company is doing much more reporting that it ever has as I am the first dedicated report writer. They had mentioned at one point to be able to have versions on reports so we can tell if a minor or major update has been done to a report. ex very first version of report is version 1.0.0, added a column would be version 1.1.0, changed the name of two columns would be version 1.1.2. Completely re-did the tablix into a matrix be version 2.0.0

    If there is anything that I can incorporate into my reports like this, that would be great. Preferably something that can be seen without actually having to run the report. Ex. not having just a textbox on the report updated.

  • Source control software may allow you to do something like this, but other than a manually maintained textbox I don't think there is anything out of the box.

  • The only thing I can think of would be to use the Report property Description field found under General.

    That filed is stored as Description in the Category table in the ReportServer database.

    Unfortunetly if you need to display in on the report I don't have an answer because that field is exposed as a system variable.

    Hope it helps.

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