Add auto num...

  • Hi

    In my report i want to add one textbox which show me serial no eg if i my report showing data according to group by customer then for first customer textbox value= 'C/S001' for second customer ='C/S002' on

    Is it possible to add this type of series in SSRS 2000 on VB. Net 2003


  • add some vb code to your report that sets up two functions and one counter.  something like this:

    dim MyCounter as integer

    public function ResetMyCounter()

    MyCounter = 0

    end function

    public function GetMyCounter()

    MyCounter = MyCounter + 1

    GetMyCounter = MyCounter

    end function

    in your group header call the RessetMyCounter function and then in the detail line call GetMyCounter to get the number, then just format it as part of a text expression in the field.

  • Assigning these values to the customers on the report has the potential to give you a different number for customers each time the report is run (i.e if customers have been added to the table the sort changes and then your serial number)

    You may be better off storing the value in the database along with the customer using an identity field and then concatenating your string value to that field on the report



  • Thanks a lot for reply

    Malcolm could you explain this more how i can store this vale to database?


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