Active Directory OPENQUERY Syntax

  • I have a query that will use a linked server to the Active Directory to get a list of email addresses for a list of users. What I would like to do is get a list of users within a group. I haven't been able to find much on this except that "multivalued properties cannot be returned in the result set to SQL Server".  Since I am not familiar with Active Directory I am not sure if this means what I think it means (which is "nope, can't do it"). Does anybody have experience with this?



  • Think you need a bit more than this but it may help a bit!

  • Thanks for the link. I had come across this document while trying to find the syntax I need. I just haven't been able to figure out if it is possible to query for all of the members of a particular group. Thanks for the info!

  • You might want to check out the MS whitepaper on ADSI at

    here is a snippet from that:

    "select name from 'LDAP://DC=ArcadiayBay,DC=COM' where objectClass='*' ORDER BY NAME"

    This was imbedded in the ADO example in the whitepaper.  I've never used it, but had looked at it since we recently migrated a client to AD.



    Joe Johnson

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