Active Directory-best uses?

  • Here is the situation, some ambitious infrastructure folks have talked of how AD could hold a lot of the data we are currently storing in SQL databases.  Now I do not disagree that AD has some very nice read speeds and is useful for a lot more than JUST authentication.  These talks got the attention of some developers and management and now we(DBA team) are faced with trying to integrate the AD data store with SQL Server.  We are able to link the server, but immediately ran into issues with multi value fields and the 1000 row return limit.  Despite the many flags that were raised by the DBA team (including the suggestion to us AD/AM) this seems to be moving forward.

    I guess the real question(s) is...Is anyone else storing application specific attributes in AD and joining them to the SQL DB?  Where you able to overcome the pitfalls of the ADSI connector? How?

    Also, to those much wiser than I, what other pitfalls have people come across? what advantages?

    Thanks in advance.


  • I use SQL to pull data from AD and stick it in a database.  SQL is better/faster as querying the data than AD (although, AD is pretty quick as you say).

    I haven't tried putting data back into AD using SQL, tho.  Not sure if that would be a good idea.

    I do use ColdFusion to modify AD with CF's LDAP support.  I also use CF as a "bridge" between SQL and AD.

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