actions in SSAS

  • hi,

    i tried to create an action..and i set action content as url but it was not working ..can anybody help me ..




  • Mary,

    What do you mean by "doesn't work". How are you testing it? (What software?)

    Post the code for your action and I'll take a look. It'll be easier if you pull it out of the XML (like attached).

    Sample action:


    &ltAction xsi:type="StandardAction">


    &ltName>Where is this store located/Name>




    &ltExpression>" to you by The Nielsen Company - "+[Markets].[Store].CurrentMember.Name+"&address="+[Markets].[Store].CurrentMember.Properties("Store Address")+"&city="+[Markets].[Store].CurrentMember.Properties("City")+"&state="+[Markets].[Province].CurrentMember.Name+"&zipcode="+Mid([Markets].[Store].CurrentMember.Properties("Postal Code"),1,3)+"&cid=lfmaplink2&Name=test"/Expression>



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