Accessing SSAS Cubes using .NET Login

  • Hi all,

    We have built cube using Analysis services and we are trying to restrict access based on Geographical location. We have implemented several roles to do that and it works fine while tested using BIDS in Visual Studio and SSMS. Actually we are using a third party web based tool for accessing the cube and we have developed a custom built .NET application to control the Log-ins. Now we would like to map these UserIds that the users provide during logins to different roles in SSAS and give access to appropriate data. Now we have given NT authority service, the rights to access the cube and the users access it through that account.Instead of this how to make them access the cube through the .NET application's credentials?

    Thanks in advance,


  • Your overall architecture is a little unclear to me but, assuming you only have the one windows user account accessing the service, but several connections being created (one per user of the front end) then the only option I see is to specify the Role/s on the connection string for each connection. BOL outlines the Roles connection string property here.

    By removing allowing all users to come through via a single windows identity you're limiting your ability to do things such as identify users who are utilizing server resources etc. I'd also ensure that what you're doing falls within the licensing specs.



  • Thanks Steve. I tried it and had been successful in implementing it for a single value that I pass. How do I dynamically decide the role based on the users and add it to my connection string? At the moment I am arriving at a value for the connection string with the following code:

    this.AdomdNetDataProvider1.ConnectionString = "Data Source=OLAPServer; ";

    this.AdomdNetDataProvider1.ConnectionString += "Provider=msolap; ";

    this.AdomdNetDataProvider1.ConnectionString += "Initial Catalog= Security_Cube; ";

    this.AdomdNetDataProvider1.ConnectionString += "Roles=AuthenticatedUsers; ";

    How do I dynamically change the value of this Roles property?

    Thanks in advance,


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