Accessing a remote SQL Server via HTTP

  • I've got a VB 6 app that uses primarily ADO with SQL Server 2000 stored procs for data access.  Several of my customers may wish to use a hosted database since their company doesn't have a SQL Server 2000 box.  Ok, fine, I found a host and we set up the database, but now it takes a long time to get the customers' IT department to open the 1434 port in their firewall. 

    What would be the simplest way (smallest amount of rewrite code) to access the database via HTTP?

    Thanks for the help!

  • Its a builtin feature of SQL 2005

  • Ok, thanks.  From what I understand, SQL Server 2005 won't talk to ADO.  So this would require a rewrite of my data layer.  Is this still the least work way to go in your opinion?

  • Jim,

    I have just tried to make a connection to SQL Server 2005 from a VB 6.0 adodc and a data environment and they work.  I used the SQL Server Native Client in the connection string.

    To make sure that your app is OK why not give SQL Server express a try and see what happens.  It could save you a lot of work.




    Quis custodiet ipsos custodes.

  • Thank you Shaun, I'll check that out.

    This has been a valuable discussion.  I have still a little more clarification needed.

    It has been established that SQL 2005 is accessible via HTTP and you can easily configure the port it listens on (apparently you can do this with SQL 2000 too, but it is a little more difficult - registry entries).  Has anyone configured a remote SQL Server 2000/2005 server to listen to port 80 so that client applications can access it through firewalls?  The more I read about firewalls, the more it seems that this seemingly easy solution, may not be so easy.  What other firewall issues may I not be aware of here or is it really this easy to enable my apps to squeek through any firewall?


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