Access ADP and updating records

  • I'm working on my first ADP with SQL Server, I'm familiar with using Access JET databases and I have a form where I would like to populate some bound text boxes using VB code based on a value the user selects with a combo box.

    If I were just creating an access database I'd probably have something like this as the AfterUpdate event for the combo box:

    Set rsCustomers = New ADODB.Recordset

    rstrsCustomers.CursorLocation = adUseClient

    rstrsCustomers.Open "SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE CustomerID ='" & Me!Combo1 & "';", CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenStatic

    If Not rsCustomers.EOF Then

    Me!CustomerName = rsCustomers!CustomerName

    Me!CustomerTelephone = rsCustomers!CustomerTelephone

    End If


    Is this still OK for use in an ADP, I mean I know it works OK but is it the best way or should I be constructing and executing SQL or would using a stored procedure be more efficient ?



  • Whether you are working with an mdb or adp, I believe the most efficient means of doing this would be having some extra columns (possibly hidden, ie width=0) in the combo box.  For example, if you have Cust ID as the 1st, Name as the 2nd, and Phone as the 3rd then something like:

        Set ctl = Me!Combo1 

        Me!CustomerName  = Nz(ctl.Column(1))

        Me!CustomerPhone  = Nz(ctl.Column(2))

    will do the trick without having to make another database call at all.  But if you are going to go out to the database, I believe a stored procedure would do it more efficiently, but with a small table/application, I doubt you would see any real difference.




  • stored procs are my prefered method. and if i were you i would desist from using select * and actually include the columns that i want to see in the query because you are adding unnecessary overhead to process

    Everything you can imagine is real.

  • Thanks for the good advice guys.



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