Accelerating Your Career

  • call.copse - Thursday, August 10, 2017 2:37 AM

    I found this old thread quite interesting.

    I'm of the mind that you will never fully hone your skills on any platform or activity and you need to knuckle down on many different activities to truly be a valuable employee. The cross application is what truly enables you to grow, I'd include lots of non-technical stuff too, from philosophy to physical skills. I'm nominally a developer but turn my hand to anything and everything - I'm actually almost scared to go back to proper dev as I need to right now but I know it will fall over me like an old warm blanket once I do.

    Lot of truth there. I wind up doing some development, learning VM and Cisco Voip, and whatever else needs to be done around here.


    -- FORTRAN manual for Xerox Computers --

  • jay-h - Thursday, August 10, 2017 6:32 AM

    jay-h - Tuesday, April 23, 2013 10:54 AM

    Miles Neale (4/23/2013)

    ...he felt that if he spent more than 2 years in one place that he was a loser and was going no where.

    There are pros and cons to the short and long term views, sometimes stability is a criteria.Interestingly I was having a discussion with a co-worker just a few minutes ago, and she dug out an old photo of her here back in 1977, also in that same photo is another worker who is still in this department. And they're not the only ones.

    I work in a place that has a tradition of long term employment. I've been here 28 years, but I'm far from being one of the 'old timers'. And I now get a gazillion vacation days...

    One department co-worker approaching retirement came here as her first job out of school, there are a number of others here (or now retired) with a similar history.

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